Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Clementine POV

When the clock struck 10 p.m., my door was knocked on. They would say "right on time." It's time to face the attractive demon. When I opened the door, I noticed two men posing as her bodyguard, but a quick glance at their faces revealed that they did not have the same face as yesterday, only the same body type. Is every around her so jacked up?

I couldn't bring myself to question her need to be at my place again, especially at this time of night, when her towering form, bent like a banana, walked through the door.

I hung on the wall like a giant bug, watching her figure take off her coat, leaving her in her half-kit suit, which consisted of only her shirt and pants. Her smooth back hair from this morning had returned to its normal disarray on her head. She gave the sense of having a hard day at work, but in her case, maybe killing someone.

Even though she makes my head whirl, my lips gasp, and my panties wet, I can't see her as a loving person. You have Mafia members that are madly in love with their spouses and will go to any length for her. She looked to have slain her wife. Which leads me to ask her. "Don't you have a wife?

My query elicits no expression on her face. And it appeared she was simply a bag of empty feelings and cold-hearted actions, causing a pool to slowly grow in my underwear. I made it a point to wear panties this time. Not that it provides much of a cage for her. What will a thin material do against her large gloved hands?

"Didn't I tell you to look pretty?" Her voice made it clear that she was not about to negotiate with me about the money I took. She had that impatient look in her eyes.

We were back in position, with me looking at her from a meter away and her taking up the entire area of my old, worn-out sofa. That sofa had been through so much, and I felt it didn't need an ego on it.

"I dress how I like, Nikolai."

Her quiet chuckle did not ease the tension in the room. It's deteriorating. She began removing her gloves, showing those lovely fingers. My stomach trembled, and I almost collapsed right there, recalling how she thrust her fist into me. My fingers moved down to my not-so-long nightgown and pressed it against my warm body.

Her head shook slightly, and her bullet eyes glared at me; she didn't say anything just yet. And I know I said gaze and eyes several times, but what the heck!

Her dark voice broke the tension slightly. I wasn't sure if the hard strain was intended to kill me or drive her fist through me again. "You dress for me now, doll. I won't come here every day and remind you that you're my doll. You are my slut. My. Little. Puppet." Her lips pursed, revealing a menacing look. I shake my head, wanting to escape away from her, but her shooting glare pins me down like a nail to a board.

"You are mine!" Her words resonate in my mind.

I grinned and raised my finger to make a point in the center of that short sentence. "I am no one, Nikolai, and maybe these females in town make you feel—"

I was cut short by either her beautiful growl, which had created a massive pool in my underwear, or the pistol pointed at me. My mouth was sealed from this point on, at least until she withdrew the pistol. I had two severe parents. Of course, I was a stubborn girl who always managed to achieve what she wanted. But will I be able to break free from Nikolai's grip? Unlikely. She was a difficult nut.

"This is how things operate in my town, my universe, my territory, doll. I see you, I find a method to catch you, I pay you, and you're mine." She outlined her approach without blinking an eye or cracking a grin. She was standing on business, and I was about to be beneath her feet—oh, I was already there.

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