The Run

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Season 4

3rd Person POV


"Yo Ty." Daryl looked down at Tyreese who was getting the blood off his shirt in the river, "Come on, let's go. Vamanos."

As soon as Daryl said that Dallas motioned for the others to look across the road, "Do you guys see that?" She pointed to what she thought was a child sitting in the middle of the path, but the others only saw an empty road.

"The trees?" Bob asked, trying to figure out what she was staring at.

"Never mind." Dallas blinked, what she saw suddenly disappearing, "I think my conscience is out to get me."

"You're seeing Stevie." Michonne looked into Dallas's green eyes, feeling sorry for her. She frowned as Dallas nodded, looking down at Tyreese who was still squatting by the creek, "It'll go away with time."

Daryl knew Stevie's death was hard for her, but he didn't think it'd affect her more than just being sad. He knew she must feel responsible for the death somehow. He got closer to her, "Alright to move forward?"

She looked at him with a small smile, "Of course." Her, Michonne and Daryl started walking again, "Let's get those meds and get back to the prison. We've already been gone a night."


The five finally came across some tire building and spotted a car hiding under plants. If it weren't for their current situation they would admire how nature took back what the humans build. It was beautiful, and a reminder of what's really in control.

Daryl tossed the wires back in the car, "We got to find us a new battery." He slammed the car door and Dallas jumped moments after when a walker slammed into the small window behind her.

Daryl let out a breathy laugh at her jump, "We got some friends inside."

"What a dick." She mumbled, pushing past him to begin clearing the plants that were covering the wall.

"I heard that." Daryl smirked and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"You were meant to." He looked at her for a moment, admiring how sweet she looked despite her attitude. He knew loved her, and reminded himself that he needs to say it once they have a moment alone. He would now, but it just wasn't the right time.

They began pulling at the leaves, Tyreese was violently pulling on something from behind it. He is clearly on edge with not knowing if his sister is doing alright. They all felt awful for him having lost someone he cared for, but his behavior was beginning to frustrate them.

Daryl jumped back when walker hands reached for him through the leaves and as soon as Dallas went to cut those hands off with her knife, she was grabbed and pulled forward too.

A rotting walker was staring her right in her face and she wasted no time in stabbing in the brain. She looked at Daryl relieved to see Michonne had used her machete to cut the arms off.

Tyreese was holding onto a walker that had grabbed him, they were all shouting at him to let his go, but he kept wrestling with it. The walker fell on top of Ty and Dallas stabbed it in its brain quickly, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Daryl pulled Dallas away from Tyreese, knowing that she is growing irritated fast and then went back to help him up.

Dallas went around the four in the other direction, hearing Michonne get upset with him too. She found another entrance and went into it by herself, Bob and Daryl several feet behind.

As soon as she opened the door, a walker jumped out but she put it down quickly. Daryl was the next through the door, shooting Dallas a disapproving look although she couldn't see it. If he had it his way she'd let him do all the leading so nothing happens to her.

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