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                        Season 3


I could only pace silently just outside the cell block. The others were sound asleep, the only sounds were from Judith occasionally making a noise and my boots hitting the floor with every step.

It was late now, and there's no sign of them. My mind occasionally drifts to the worst case scenario, but in my gut somewhere I know that they will come back.

They have to.

There wasn't much else for me to do, I'd just have to keep waiting all night.

I flinched at the sound of a woman screaming. Carol should be in the guard tower with Axel. Originally I was suppose to go with him up there, but she insisted she didn't want me to be alone with him.

I'm not sure why however. But I think based on what Beth told me, she thinks he is some type of predator.

I turned to Beth, Hershel and Carl, who was already insisting he go with me to check it out.

I nodded at him and unlocked the gate with the keys Rick left for me. His dad wanted him to help me protect this place. And I know if Rick was here, Carl would probably go with him.

"Alright bud, let's go." I smiled reassuringly at Beth who looked unsure of us leaving, and locked the gate behind us.

We made our way down the hallway, Carl was directly behind me to my left so I could be the one to turn the corners first.

Rick definitely loves me, but would absolutely kill me if I let anything happen to his boy.

The hallways were dark, Carl held his gun and I held my largest knife and a flashlight.

He looked up at me curiously when there was another scream. He was a smart boy, his face always held bravery, but if you knew how to read people you could see the fear he masked quite well.

I just continued towards the sound, soon enough we reached a door that said boiler room.

A snarl came from beside me and I stabbed the walker in its head. Luckily Carl saw I had it and didn't shoot in my direction.

We both let out a breath from the jump-scare and then flinched once more at even louder screaming.

We turned the corner and looked into the room. There were maybe 5 people I could see, but the tall man bashing a walkers head in caught my eye first.

We ran forward as more walkers went towards the group and Carl shot one to help. He had a silencer on his, if I fired mine I'd attract more so my knife would have to do.

"Come on." I motioned to the dark hallways, letting Carl lead them out so I could make sure we don't get snuck up on.

I quickly stabbed the two walkers that came from the corners and chased the others who had just continued down the halls after having to stop.

After a minute of running we made past the gates and I closed all of them behind us, before rushing to Carl and standing somewhat in front of him.

We don't know these people or their intentions.

They laid the bit girl on the floor and I held my hand out for Carl's

He handed it to me and I pointed for him to move to the cell block door. I slowly walked to the probably dead girl and put the gun to her head, I don't care how upset these people are, we're not letting this person come back to life and get someone else bit.

Arrow to the Heart(Daryl Dixon X OC)(REVAMPED)Where stories live. Discover now