Cell Block D

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Season 4



The setting sun was shining softly in my eyes as I opened them, feeling Daryl lift me out of the truck. I can see now that we made it back into the gates just fine. I felt embarrassed seeing all the other people watch Daryl carry me in. I turned my head into his chest, ignoring the small shards of glass poking me at the motion. I know I'll be alright in a few days, I've always been one to heal quickly.

I felt the sun disappear as we went into our cell block. Hershel and one of the men that joined us were right behind Daryl as he went up the stairs. The other guy is a doctor, I think they call him Dr. S. I've talked to him a couple times but usually I am no where near the other people. My duties are typically far from them.

I'm pretty sure I heard Glenn following, with Maggie on his heels. Daryl set me down onto my mattress, brushing some of my hair and kneeling down next to me.

"What happened?" Hershel stood over me and inspected my neck.

"The building came crashing down, we thought she was bit- we left her as it came down but she managed to get up and get out through the window." It pained me to hear the stress and worry in Glenn's voice. I know him, and he is kicking himself right now for leaving me there.

"Thought she was right behind us." Daryl continued to brush back my hair, "Would've been Zach if she wasn't lookin out for him."

"It'll take a couple hours for me to pull the glass pieces out." Dr S touched my skin, which at the moment I could hardly feel, "I'll get started."

I reached my hand out to get Hershel's attention, "Think my ankle is sprained. The left one."

He went to my foot and gently removed my boots, "I can see where the walker tried to bite you." He pointed at the bite marks on the boot before inspecting my ankle, "You're right, just a sprain. Should be alright if we wrap it up tightly and you stay off it a couple days."

I moved my gaze to Daryl, "Don't leave."

"I won't, D."

I felt Dr S start to use teasers to pull the glass from my skin, I lucked out that none of them went too deep or went in wrong. I sighed, closing my eyes, hoping this would be done soon.

- 2 hours later-

Dr S finished pulling the glass out with the help of Hershel. They put alcohol on the areas affected, which should help it heal up. They left not too long ago to let me rest, leaving me with Daryl, Glenn and Maggie. I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about what would've happened if I never got out.

"That's your thinking face." Glenn leaned forward, staring at my face, "What is it?"

"Nothing." I stared at him blankly, but I could tell he saw through it and huffed, "Fine... I just saw my life flash before my eyes. I mean I've come close to death before... but when I did I never had so many people I loved or that loved me."

I returned my gaze back to the ceiling, "I keep replaying it... If I didn't get out."

"But you did." Maggie grabbed my hand, "You're still here."

"Get some rest, Dallas." Glenn rubbed my arm, "You think too much when you're tired."

I nodded, knowing he's right about that.

"We'll be keeping watch tonight, you know where to find us." Maggie smiled, and then they both left.

Daryl looked at me with a new look I've never seen from him, "Are you okay?"

A small smile appeared on his lips, "Rest. I'll sleep right here next to you."


I opened my eyes, seeing the sun peeking through the side of the curtains. I felt a lot better after resting, the pain was minimal now that there was no glass.

I looked over to the floor seeing Daryl sleeping. I poked him and his eyes shot open, "Sorry."

"Mornin, D." He immediately got back up on the chair, "How are you-"

I jumped up from my laying position hearing gunshots, "What the-"

Those gun shots were followed by screams and I went to get up, "No you stay."


He picked up his crossbow, "You're in no shape to help anyone. Stay here." He ran out right after he said that, leaving me sitting there.

Does he know who I am? I quickly slipped my boots on and stood up, my ankle only feeling slight pain due to the support from both the wrap and the boot. I went to grab my machete then cursed realizing I left it when the building went down.

I grabbed my bow and arrows instead, hurrying out the door just as Tyreese did. I was right behind Daryl but he didn't notice that. As I left to outside of the cell blocks, I saw Hershel was keeping guard. He definitely shot me a disapproving look but didn't say anything.

I ran carefully behind them into cell block D, noticing walkers everywhere eating bodies laying on the floor. Rick was rushing the non injured people out as I went around him and started stabbing walkers.

How the hell did this happen?

Daryl noticed me right as he passed a child to Karen, but didn't have any time to say something.


I panicked remembering she stays in this cell block and ran around trying to find her, knocking down and stabbing the walkers in my way.

"Dallas?" I knelt down next to Stevie, trying to keep myself together seeing a large bite taken out of her stomach, and a dead walker lying next to her, "I did what you said." She cried, wrapping her arms around my neck as I lifted her up, "I stabbed him in the brain but he got me first."

I ran into an empty cell block with her and closed it shut, "Am I going to die, Dallas?" She stared up at me in tears after I set her down on the bed.

I stared at her with worry, how do I answer her? How do I tell her? She's only a child. How do I tell a child she will die?

"It'll be okay Stevie... just lay down for me, okay?" I heard the chaos outside the cells mellow down and only heard a few voices above me.

"Dallas?!" I heard Rick shout, Daryl must've told him I followed them in here.

I looked at Stevie, running my thumb along her forehead. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Dallas!" I heard them get closer to the cell I was in, but I couldn't find my voice.

"It hurts Dallas." She cried gripping my hand tightly, blood pouring quickly out of the wound.

"I know.." I pulled a sheet down from the bed above and tore a piece off, "I'm going to put this on the bite, okay?"

She nodded and winced when I put pressure on it. I can tell she is going to bleed out. The bite is too large and in a crucial place.

"Dallas." The three men barged into cell with their weapons drawn, but quickly put them down. I felt the control I had over my emotions slipping as tears started falling.

"No." I blocked them from getting any closer to Stevie, knowing they'd put her down right there, "She's not-"

I stopped to look at her but noticed her eyes were closed, "Stevie?" I knelt down and felt for her pulse.

There was nothing.


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