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Season 3
3rd Person POV


Dallas was weaving in and out of trees, running from the flood of walkers behind her. She only had one weapon in her hand and one little knife in her pocket. It was too risky for her to make the others suspicious by going back and grabbing everything she had. Taking her things would've given it away that she was following Merle and Michonne. She knew a few of the others were hiding something, it was silly of them to think she couldn't catch on.

She climbed a large tree up to its first branch. There was just enough space to keep her legs from being walker food, and let her swing her machete down to kill them one by one.

She could outrun them for a long time, but she didn't want to risk them following her to wherever Merle and Michonne were.

She held on to the branch above her with her left arm to keep her steady. There were at least 6 walkers snapping their jaws just below her.

When the apocalypse had initially started, the walkers filled her with dread. Now all she can think is how inconvenient their timing is.

She took the first hard swing at a walkers head below her. As she had hoped, her arm strength made it easy to slice the walkers heads clear in half.

While carefully killing the walkers below her, a very worried Carl was back at the prison.

It had been hours since Dallas left, moments after she had realized Merle did something to Michonne. She could clearly see his trail and knew it hadn't been long since they'd left. What she didn't know was how many walkers were just lingering in the trees. She got detoured from all the walkers. She'd be able to find her way back to the prison, but it wouldn't be a straight path.

Carl, hours later, realized the three of them were no where to be seen. He knew Michonne probably wouldn't leave on purpose, and Dallas was always on watch somewhere. But she never left without letting them know where she was going.

Carl alerted his dad about the three who are gone. Rick quickly realized Carl was right to worry. They had backed out on trading in Michonne, so she should still be there. Rick had suspected Merle took her anyway. Dallas being gone as well was a mystery to him. He never told her about the deal with the governor, over the concern that she wouldn't let them give Michonne up.

In the end they decided not to, but if they had he didn't want Dallas stepping in and ruining the plans. Even Daryl was on board with hiding this from Dallas. If anyone knew how headstrong she is, it's him.

"What's wrong?" Daryl stood in the yard with his crossbow on his shoulder. Rick came out panicked and out of breathe, signaling something wasn't right.

"I can't find Merle or Michonne. They've gone." Rick left out the part about Dallas being gone, as to not double on Daryl's worry.

Daryl led Rick to where he previously saw Merle. His brother had told him he was looking for drugs.

They both hurried into the room and Daryl bent down in front of a rag. He knew his brother took Michonne. He looked around the floor with confusion before looking up to Rick.

"Where is Dallas?" He questioned Rick who shuffled nervously at the question. Rick knew in that moment that Daryl saw something indicating she was gone too.

"I couldn't find her either."

Daryl tossed down the rag angrily and sighed, "She was not too long behind them."

"How do you know that?" Rick looked over where Daryl was looking and hardly saw anything.

"I know that woman's boot print." He wasn't angry that Dallas had taken off without telling anyone, but he was concerned no matter how capable he knew she was of being on her own.

Arrow to the Heart(Daryl Dixon X OC)(REVAMPED)Where stories live. Discover now