A Joke

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Season 2


It was already daylight, and we were just pulling up to the farm. I don't think any of us realized how long we were at that bar.

It was a tense ride with the boy in the back. We should've put a bullet in his head, and instead they shot off many rounds to kill the walkers instead.

He's old enough to know right from wrong. We had no reason to save him.

Rick drove past a few people who were waiting, straight in front of the home. Lori and Carl went straight to Rick. Carol, Maggie, and Patricia followed behind them.

Much to my surprise, Carol came straight to me, bringing me into a hug which caught me off guard, "We we're so worried about you. I was scared that I wouldn't get a chance to thank you."

"Thank me?" I watched as Daryl was at my side in seconds, he pulled me into a hug and I froze. Is Daryl hugging me in front of the entire group right now?

"Yes, thank you for trying so hard to find Sophia. And I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you yesterday. You didn't deserve that."

I just nodded after removing myself from Daryl, "I'm sorry for breakin my promise to not stay out after dark. Didn't really plan on the nights events."

Daryl turned me to face him, while Hershel told Patricia to prepare the shed for surgery, "You alright? You got dried up blood on your face."

I glanced at Rick, irritation brushing my face since we brought one of the people who shot at us here.

"Fine, Daryl." I pushed past him, standing on my own.

"Who the hell is that?" T-dog pointed to the car.

A dry chuckle left my mouth and Glenn answered T-dog, "That's Randall."

They all slowly went towards the car, many with a look of disbelief.


"We couldn't just leave him behind. He would've bled out... If he lived that long."

"It's gotten bad in town." Glenn added.

"We could've just killed him! Put him out of his misery! But no we had to save him! Nearly costed us our own lives!" I stood up angrily, and slammed my hand on the table, "Y'all can figure out to do with him. Leave me out of it."

I stormed out of the house, making my way to my tent. As I was leaving, Daryl was heading in but he stopped and followed my fast pace instead.

I started gathering my things into my tent without a word. I'm not leaving, but I am not sure I feel safe around this group anymore. There is no unison and Shane and Andrea are a fucking hazard to everyone.

"Hey-hey, what are you doin?" Daryl grabbed my arm and turned me to face him, "You ain't leavin are you?"

"Don't you pretend like you care about me Daryl."


"No! We have a nice fucking conversation and agreement one day, and the next day you act like you can't stand my presence! You and the others! Am I just some fucking joke to you people?!" I let out all of my pent up anger and frustration from the recent events.


"I ain't finished! I understand that losing Sophia is an awful pain for everyone, I know you're mad because you spent all that time searching for her! But guess what? So did I! Why do you have to be so damn hot and cold? You and every other man here are just like my fucking father!" I took a deep breath and pointed to the house, "I want you and every other person in that house to leave me the fuck alone."

I turned back around, continuing to prepare my things to be moved. I heard his footsteps retreat, and I finally got what I wanted.


"I will fucking kill you if you put your hands on me again." I had my hand on the grip of my knife, which was deep into a tree next to Andrea's head. She had the nerve to try and drag me back to where the others were. I had slammed it next to her head to scare her, my final warning for anyone else who tried to bother me.

I ripped it out of the tree, pointing it in the direction of others who had gathered around, "Consider that a warning for all of you."


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