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Season 2

Another Gunshot Victim

"I had sex."

"WHAT?" Glenn smacked his hand over my mouth at my loud outburst.

Can you blame me? I leave my tent and that's the first thing he greets me with.

"Stop! I don't want them to know."

"I can't believe you slept with Maggie! You could barely even look at her and you had sex with her?!"

"I didn't tell you who it was."

I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, "You don't have to. Before I left you were gonna go on a supply run with her."

A disapproving look then made its way to my face, "Remind me to tell Shane off for letting them drop you into a mushy walker well."

"Hey D, we're gettin ready to talk about Sophia." I nodded to Rick and followed him to the others after shooting Glenn one last smirk. I wonder what Hershel will think of that.

I smiled at Daryl as Rick laid a map out on a car, "Alright everyone's gettin new search grids today."

"If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found, she might have gone further east than we've been so far."

"I'd like to help." Jimmy stood next to Rick, "I know the area pretty well and stuff."

"Hershel's okay with this?"

"Yeah... He said I should ask you." I looked at him blankly, he's absolutely lying, he didn't ask Hershel. I mentally shrugged, if he wants to lie then that's on him.

"Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me." Shane was sitting in the passenger seat with the door open, "Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse."

Shane the buzzkiller. Hopekiller. Dreamkiller.

"Anybody includes her, right?" Andrea looked over to Shane. How long has she had a cowgirl hat?

"Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay high." Daryl motioned to mid waist height.

"It's a good lead."

"Maybe we'll pick up her trail again." Rick looked at Daryl.

"No maybe about it. I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up to this ridge right here, take a birds eye view of the whole grid. If she's up there i'll spot her. D can go with me."

"Good idea, maybe you'll see your Chupacabra up there too."


Dale appeared behind Daryl and I, "You never heard this? Our first night in camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time when he went squirrel hunting and he saw a Chupacabra."

Daryl nodded and Jimmy laughed at him, "What are you braying at, jackass?"

"You believe in a blood sucking dog?"

"Do you believe dead people walkin around?"

"I thought I saw a skin walker when I was in Ariz-" I started but Jimmy cut me off.

"Don't say their name!"

"Skin walk-"

"Dallas." Daryl warned, clearly believing in that at least a little bit. I mean are we really gonna worry about those when there's already monsters all over the place?

I just laughed and Jimmy reached for a gun, "Hey hey, ever fire one before?" Rick grabbed it from his grasp.

"We'll if i'm going out I want one."

Arrow to the Heart(Daryl Dixon X OC)(REVAMPED)Where stories live. Discover now