The Pregnancy

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Season 2

Big News

I had just told Glenn that I was okay if he wanted to go eat dinner with the others. I felt like just laying here on my own while waiting for Daryl. I felt okay, nothing I can't handle but I am furious with Andrea. It's a good thing she can't aim for shit.

"You're awake." Daryl entered the room, walking straight to the side of the bed. He dragged the chair closer to the bed and sat down, "Don't you go doin that again."

I smiled and grabbed his hand, "No promises."

"Shane wants us to stop lookin for Sophia." He looked at our hands.

"When you just found the doll?" I scrunched my eyebrows, "And we are not listening to him, right?" I asked him just to make sure.

Shane is really becoming unhinged. I would not want to be alone with that man.

"Hell no."

There was a knock on the door and Carol peeked her head in, "I brought you two dinner, figured you'd be hungry."

I sat up with a slight grimace and Daryl helped me sit up fully while Carol set the two plates down, "I wanted to thank you both. Her daddy would've never done what you two are doing for my girl."

"Thank you for dinner." She leaned over and gave me a hug, trying to avoid hurting my wound.

"Come get me if you need anything." She said to both of us and shut the door behind her.

I put the plate of food on my lap and immediately took a bite of the green beans, not missing how Daryl was watching me.

"What?" I set the fork down and then looking to the other plate of food, "She brought some for you too." Maybe he thought I was not gonna give him any.

"You are a strong woman, D. But I ain't ever seen someone so clueless."

"Is there something on my face?" I put my hand to my mouth, "I don't like this guessing game."

He laughed, like really really laughed and I just watched him confused.

"Nevermind it." He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles before picking up the other plate.

"Here, come sit." I scooted my butt over and pat the bed. To my surprise he did what I said and sat next to me. I was half expecting some grumpy response.

Eventually we finished eating and I began to get tired again, "Go on, go to sleep. I'll still be here when you wake up."


It was the next morning and Daryl and me were in his tent, we had left the bedroom earlier. It feels weird being in someone else's bedroom, and I've kind of grown to like the tents.

Andrea came in earlier to apologize for almost killing me and for aiming for Daryl. I wasn't mad about it this morning, lucky for her I was able to eat and sleep that anger off.

Daryl and I weren't talking, we were just laying in a comfortable silence. That was until I spotted Glenn, who has avoided me all morning. He's not getting away this time.

"I'm gonna go talk to Glenn, asshole is hiding something." I patted Daryl's leg and he gave me a nod before I carefully left the tent.

"No don't you dare walk away from me, Glenn!" Glenn stopped in his tracks and turned to face me, but when Carl shouted my name he took that opportunity to scurry away.

"Dallas!" Carl gave me a hug and I gave him a bright smile. It was good to finally see him up and doing better. I squatted down to his level so he could properly hug me. It hurt my shoulder but I wasn't gonna tell him that, "Shane's gonna teach me how to shoot a gun!"

My eyes widened, hopefully Rick and Lori agreed to that, "That's awesome Carl. I bet you're gonna be a pro in no time."

Just then Rick came over giving me a nod, "Cmon Carl we're goin. And be careful hugging her like that, you both been shot."

I waved them off, "Be careful Carl, listen to the adults." He nodded eagerly and they went on their way.

Once the cars drove away, I sat on a chair, "The hell do I do now?" The only people here were Dale, Glenn, Daryl and Hershel. I heard Glenn talking to Dale and then Dale went off to find Hershel. I don't really feel like chasing Glenn down anymore.


"Dallas?" Glenn came over to me with Maggie following quickly behind him.

I looked up from the same spot I haven't moved from all day, "What do you want?"

"We're going on a run for Lori."

I just shook my head. Glenn is always the one they put at the most risk, "You just gonna walk around and be their personal assistant for the rest of your life?"

"Why don't y'all stay, I can go." I stood up, grabbing my bow.

"You can't, you need to let that heal." Maggie motioned to my shoulder.

"Alright then why'd you come over here? You've been avoiding me all day, so what do you want?" I knew I was being harsh, but I hardly care.

He looked at Maggie with some type of pleading face, she returned it with a stern look.

I clenched my jaw and exhaled, "Be careful."

"You don't need anything?" He asked.

"If I need something Glenn, I'll get it my damn self." I brushed past the two and went to my own tent. I cant believe him. He won't tell me what's bothering him but Maggie clearly knows. Maybe i've been a bad friend.

I sat in my tent and closed it, staying there for the rest of the day.


It was a lot later in the day, the others had all returned from their various tasks safely.

I heard a psst sound outside of my tent and the zipper slowly opened, revealing Rick. I sat up and looked at him concerned. I don't think he would just come over to me unless it was serious.

"You think you can take a walk with me?"

"Yeah-yeah... sure." I got out of the tent and followed him out to the open grass, the setting sun leaving a red and pink tint in the sky.

When we got a good distance away he paced a minute before looking at me, "Did you know?"

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"About Lori, did you know?" He looked desperate.

"Rick I don't know what you're talkin about. Is she alright?"

He let out a sigh and shook his head, "I'm sorry it's just-" He paused looking like he was having a internal battle with himself.

"Rick." I set my hand on his shoulder, "What's goin on?"

"Lori, she's pregnant. And Glenn knows. He went and got her abortion pills."

As much as my mouth wanted to open from shock I kept it together, not wanting to add to Ricks worry, "Did she take them?"

"I found the box in the tent. She said she threw em up but she hid this from me." He looked so shattered and desperate for answers, "I don't know what to do."

I rubbed his shoulder, attempting to comfort him, "She's probably scared, Rick. But you do have every right to be upset. Do you want me to tell you what I think you should do?"

He nodded, his head hanging low and a frustrated looking taking over his features, "You need to be there for her, help her through the pregnancy. As much as she may have betrayed your trust, she's carrying your child and that baby needs to be protected. You don't have to be happy with her, but you do need to care for her."

Rick looked at me sincerely, "You're right, D. Thank you."

I nodded, "Of course. And don't worry, I'll keep this to myself until you two are ready to tell everyone."

And with that, we walked back to the camp.


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