The Enemy

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                        Season 3

                    The Enemy

"Well can I go in?" Andrea took a step towards the cells, after realizing that's where we were staying. It was immediately tense when she came inside, you can tell no one trusts her. Though Carol being a sweetheart, greeted her kindly.

I'm rather indifferent to her presence unlike Daryl or Rick. Rick looks like he will throw her to the walkers at any minute. She was never my favorite person but I don't believe she has anything to do with the attacks. She could be impulsive, but she doesn't have a bad heart.

"I'm not an enemy, Rick."

"We had that field and courtyard until your boyfriend tore down the fence with a truck and shot us up."

Andreas face contorted with confusion, "He said you fired first."

"Well. He's lyin."

"He killed an inmate who survived in here." Andrea looked to Hershel, before looking at Daryl.

"We liked him. He was one of us."

Her eyes flickered between the two of us sitting together, her face holding genuine concern "I didn't know anything about that." She looked back to Rick, "As soon as I found out I came. I didn't even know you were in Woodbury until after the shoot out."

"That was days ago." Glenn looked unconvinced at Andrea.

"I told you, I came as soon as I could." There was a moment of silence, everyone looked at her not believing what she's saying.

She turned around to Michonne, "What have you told them?"


"I don't get it, I left Atlanta with you people and now I'm the odd man out?"

"He almost killed Michonne, and he would have killed us."

"With his finger on the trigger. Isn't he the one who kidnapped you? Who beat you?" Andrea pointed to Meryl before dropping her arm with a sigh, "Look I cannot excuse or explain what Phillip has done-"

I scrunched my eyebrows slightly when she said his name causally. From my understanding, everyone refers to him as the governor. "Phillip? So y'all are close enough to be on first name basis?"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is i'm trying to bring us together. We have to work this out."

"Are you gonna wave your magic fucking wand and make Axel come back? Oscar?! We've got fucking KIDS in this place!" My previous indifference to her being here disappeared, and all i felt towards her was complete rage. How dumb can one person be to think we can all be best buddies after he tried to kill us?

I was a foot away from being right in her face before Carol came around to make me sit back down next to Daryl. My heart was beating hard and my body was internally shaking from the anger.

Andrea looked horrified by my outburst but Daryl and Rick looked unfazed.

Carol was giving me a side hug and rubbing my arm in attempts to calm me down, all while Rick and Andrea continued talking.

"Because he's gearing up for war." Andrea caved after a minute of discussion, revealing the real reason why she's acting so desperate.

"How about you all stay here, and I'll go finish him." I stood up and picked up my machete.

"Sit down."

Daryl said that so firmly that my body sat itself down without a second passing. I breathed hard out of my nose and mumbled some unkind words. If this wasn't a serious situation he would surely tease me for that.

"We've taken too much shit for too long. He wants a war? He's got one." Glenn glared down Andrea, who still looked desperate.

No one cared to hear Andreas none sense any longer. Once she refused to get us inside, it was done. Rick stormed off and everyone dispersed. But before then, Carol had told Daryl and I that she'll get Andrea alone and suggest she's kills the governor.


It was dark out now, I was alone in the tower keeping watch. All I can think about is how I wish they'd just let me end this. They've got no clue how many bad people i've taken out in my career.

They never saw me coming, and they never saw me go. What's so different now?

I could take down their main threats, which leaves the others unwilling to fight. They'd still be safe behind their walls

I respect the others concern about me going, and for that reason I will
not. I can only hope they'll know it's worth the slim chance I die.

"D." I turned my head to see Rick, who I heard coming. At this point I can tell which one of them is coming based on their walk. It's surprisingly distinctive.

He took my acknowledgement of him as an okay to get closer and began talking, "I'm takin Michonne and Carl tomorrow for a run. We got to match their power."

I didn't look at him, but kept my eyes on the field of walkers, "I told you to let me look through other parts of the prison."

"I can't have you doin that. We need you here. Especially with Merle around... Daryl said he's got him under control, but I don't believe Merle can be controlled."

"Fair enough." I crossed my arms and watched a walker trip and fall like a rag doll. "You know Rick, I don't agree with a lot of what you do these days."

"You've made that clear."

"Send Daryl up when you go back. That is if you can handle a few minutes babysitting Merle."

"Only a few minut-"

"Get out before I kick your ass." I cut off his suggestive question before he could finish. He had a knowing look on his face and left with a little smirk. A small smile was on my face. It is sweet that we can still play around despite all the shit going on. Some things never change. Gossip would be one of those things. These people are gossiping about Daryl and I like we're in high school. Or at least what I assume went on in high school.

I didn't have enough friends to gossip back then. I'm sure I didn't miss out either. Every bathroom trip in school was full of listening to someone cry in a stall or smelling their cigarettes.

Tell me that don't sound like the result of gossiping.

"Rick tells me you want to kick his ass." Daryl walked in letting the door close behind him, "We got two ass kickers around here."

"You telling me you don't want to kick Ricks ass?"

"Nah he's doin alright. Handlin my brother better than I thought." He stood close enough next to me that I felt his body heat.

"Think you could land a few of these walking from up here?" I twirled a bow between my fingers, changing the subject.

"With ease, blondie."

"It's gonna be you gettin an ass kicking if you call me that again."

He put his arms up in surrender and I smiled in satisfaction.

"Small but mighty."

"What?" I whipped my head back around, pulling my attention away from that one walker that just can't seem to walk without falling.


I gave him a playful side eye and returned my attention to the field, "You know Rick will be alright with Merle for a few minutes if you want to-"

I didn't get another word in before I was smushed between the wall and a very eager Daryl.

His lips were against mine and his hand was gripping my jaw. In between him kissing me I laughed, "That's not where I was goin with that sentence." I felt his smirk against my jaw before he began kissing his way down my neck, "Mm but your thought is much better."

If only this bliss was forever.


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