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Season 4


"Dallas you know we have to-"

"No." I tugged at the hair on the side of my head, "Just give me a moment."

I stared at Stevie who now looked to be resting peacefully. If I was just moments faster I may have made it in time. But I didn't and she's dead. She had no parents, no siblings. She was in cell block D by herself, with other parents keeping their eye on her. She always looked to me for everything. I should've stayed with her or brought her into our cell block.

She was like the little sister I never had.

Sitting here took me back to the day I met everyone. Andrea crying over Amy's dead body. I thought she was being ridiculous for not letting anyone put her sister down, but now I feel like I understand.

I stood up and walked towards Glenn. He looked at me curiously as I took the gun he had.

I walked back to Stevie, putting a pillow over her head. As soon as I got the gun ready to fire, her hands started moving and reaching for my arms. I panicked and dropped the gun, fumbling for it as I heard the snarls begin. I pushed it back down, pillow still over the head, and fired.

The gunshot made my ears ring, but it hardly bothered me. I watched the blood spread across the white pillow, before feeling a hand pull me out of the cell.

I was turned around and ended up facing Rick, "You need to lie back down. We'll start cleanin this up."

I just nodded, letting Daryl grab my arm and take me back to the front of our cell block. I know there's no point in arguing with them. I do need to rest... and now that all the walkers in here are dead there's nothing more I can argue about.

Daryl slid the keys to Beth, telling her that I need to lay down and rest my foot. I knew he was insinuating that she lock me in there to keep me from trying to help.

Once I did lay down and Beth took my boots off, she left locking the gate behind her.


I shot my eyes open feeling a cloth being put over my face. I went to jump out of the bed but Beth gently pushed me back down. I sighed, feeling my heart rate go back down, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I need to keep this over your face." I looked up at her, realizing she had a cloth wrapped around her head as well, "There's a sickness. Some type of flu."

I stared at her briefly, letting her tie the cloth at the back of my head, "So someone died from it in cell block D and came back?"

She nodded, removing her hands from my face. "How did you know that?"

I shrugged, "Lucky guess."

I could see her soft smile reaching her eyes, "We're all suppose to keep our distance from each other. Daddy and the others are talkin about it now."

"I was in the cell block." I crossed my arms over my stomach, "If it spreads that fast... Glenn, Rick, Daryl, me... we've all been exposed."

"It's too late to move you away now." Beth moved down to my foot, "Can I take a look? Daddy's been teaching me about this stuff. I just wrapped up Michonne's."

I gave her a nod and stared at the ceiling once more. This was all so hard to process. Something like this is completely out of anyone's control. Nature will take its course, all we can do it wait and watch.

While she wrapped my foot up, she thanked me for protecting Zach while we did that run and said that he is in one of the bottom cells helping her watch Judith.

Arrow to the Heart(Daryl Dixon X OC)(REVAMPED)Where stories live. Discover now