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Season 2

Find the Girl

We had just found an opening through the highway which was littered with abandoned cars when Dales RV decided to take a dump. So now we were all standing around watching the RV smoke from the front.

"I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times, dead in the water." Dale stared at the front of his truck and Shane came walking around with his shotgun in hand, "Problem Dale?"

Shane really is an ass, why are you asking Dale if there's a problem when there's clearly a problem? Does this smoke look like no problem?

I ignored them and walked to the cars next to us that were full of supplies and other things. Daryl shared a glance with me and picked something up and we both looked through the trunk of this car.

We heard T-dog say he'd start getting gas from these cars to start. And others would look for water and food.

"This is a graveyard." Lori looked forward at the endless amount of cars on the road and we all just stared at her, "I don't know how I feel about this."

"Lori, I mean no disrespect but the whole world is now a graveyard. Everywhere we're ever gonna go or the things we're gonna find, will be on a graveyard." I picked up a couple cans I found and handed them to Carol who had asked about food, "If you people wanna survive you outta start trying a little harder."

Maybe that's why I like Daryl so much. The man's relentless, a survivor. I can't stand when Lori or Andrea complains about somethin stupid and expect everyone else to bend their backs for them. Unless one of them is pregnant I don't wanna hear the excuses.

"She's right Lori, everyone start gatherin what you can."

We all went our separate ways, looking through cars and scavenging what was available. I walked the furthest up, glancing back every once in a while, to make sure Glenn was alright. I had finally felt comfortable enough around everyone to leave my bag in Dales RV. I mean with having to ride with Daryl on the motorcycle it didn't really leave me room for a choice anyway. I'm equipped with weapons all over my body and in all my pockets so I can deal without a bag for a while. Not without my bow and arrows though, those stay in my hands and on my back at all times. Never know when you'll need to shoot something down from a distance with no sound.

I came across some old red car and grimaced when I looked in to see a small child no longer alive, a single gunshot wound to the head.

At least she didn't have to suffer. No child deserves such a brutal death. Ignoring the body, I grabbed the gun that was in the dead man's hand in the front seat, he must've killed his daughter himself. It was nearly fully loaded, 3 bullets missing. I carefully stuffed it in the side of my pants, which is kind of dangerous, but all my other holsters already have weapons. I'm not leaving this gun behind, i'd risk a blown off thigh for now.

I moved along to the next car since the previous one only had a gun. I opened the old tote bag Dale gave me and started putting what I found inside. There was various snacks like peanuts and crackers. A few canned items as well. I also found a couple suitcases with some clothes and grabbed the socks and undergarments, you never know when someone will need extra. Someone is bound to pee themselves out of fear at some point.

The family photos in this suitcase made me forget where I was. Seeing a happy family of 5, two teenage kids and one toddler being kissed on the cheeks by their parents. I felt my eyes get watery but quickly blinked the tears away.

If dad saw me crying right now he would burn me with my dead moms curling iron. That was just one of the many punishments I received for not doing something right.

Shocking me out of my thoughts was Rick who ran over to me and dragged me away from where I was standing, towards where Lori was, "Lori get under the cars!" He whisper yelled to Lori and her eyes widened as she dropped under the car.

"Carl, Sophia, get down now!" They immediately listened and went under separate cars and then Rick and I went under the same car next to Carl and Sophia.

This all happened so fast so I was only able to look at Rick with confusion, "There's a group of walkers heading straight towards us." He whispered and I just nodded keeping quiet, praying that Glenn, Daryl and the others were okay.

I had dropped the tote bag of stuff while crawling under but didn't let go of my bow, I held it in front of me while laying on my stomach I inwardly cringed realizing I have a gun in my pants. The horror stories I've heard with people who do that and they shoot part of their leg or buttcheek off. I like my cheeks.

I watched Carl and Sophia in the cars next to us and put my finger to my lips to tell them to be quiet. Rick kept his arm around my back and we silently watched as what seemed like endless amounts of feet shuffling past us.

Carl was handling this just fine, but Sophia was clearly distressed, clutching onto her stuffed animal. I wish I could go over to her and give her comfort but If I do I'll be ringing the dinner bell and everyone will be at risk.

After a few minutes it seemed that most of them had passed, and I immediately panicked seeing the look on Sophia's face, she looks like she thinks she can get up now. I moved to get out from under the car before she did but Rick held me down and shook his head, "Rick she looks like she's gonna get out-" I stopped when I saw her start to scoot from under the car and squeal when a walker spotted her and went under the car to try and grab her.

When she got up and ran off towards the woods that's when Rick let me go and slid out from under the car, me being just seconds behind him. We had only seen the two walkers run after her so when a third one came out of nowhere, I wasn't prepared.

The walker grabbed me just as I stepped over the steel barrier that separates the road from the woods, causing me to trip and bring the walker down with me. My bow fell from my hand before the dead man and I went tumbling down a small hill. My head slammed violently on a small rock. I groaned at the impact but quickly realized the situation I was in. The walker was above me and I was now using all of my strength to keep if from scratching or biting me. I can't scream for help, that could redirect the herd of walkers towards us, but I also can't reach for a weapon since the walker is too large to hold up with one arm.

This bitch had to be 250 pounds of pure muscle when he was alive.

I felt my my eyesight getting blurry and a vibration like feeling ripple though my body. I could feel the blood on the side of my face falling freely into my blonde hair along with my sweat. "So this is the end for me, isn't it? Death by dead guy."

"Dallas!" With my blurry sight I turned my head to look at the top of the hill, Glenn saw me, maybe it's not the end after all.

I saw Glenns figure start to run after me but a hand held him back and came down for me instead. Shane's face appeared in front of me after he killed the walker and threw it off of me.

He lifted my body up and began carrying me up the hill. I didn't the energy to protest and watched as the others came into view.

"Glenn." I mumbled, reaching for his hand as Shane got my quiver off of me and laid me on the road. Someone had placed something soft under my head before he did.

"I'm here Dallas."

He grabbed my hand and I smiled, "My bow, make sure you get my bow."

"The hell happened to her?" I think that's Daryl, it was getting hard to tell.

Suddenly in replace of Glenn was someone else, maybe Glenn left to get my bow. Oh no my hat! Where's my hat?

"My hat."

"You can worry about that damn hat when your head ain't bleeding!" Yeah, that is definitely Daryl.

I looked over at the two figures of a woman, my speech starting to slur and tears leaving my eyes, "I'm sorry- I'm sor-"

That was the last I could bring myself to say, before falling unconscious.


Arrow to the Heart(Daryl Dixon X OC)(REVAMPED)Where stories live. Discover now