Chapter 31 New Resistance Team

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The young man with mysterious powers was carrying Hannah on his back and was surrounded by the remaining twenty dozen leg-slingers. Hannah winked and asked the young man to pick up the gun she dropped.

Just as the leg-slingers rushed forward with bared teeth and gaping mouths, the young man used his foot to pick up the gun and return it to Hannah's hand.

Hannah was worthy of being Hannah. She quickly and accurately blasted the heads of several kickers at close range, and then the young man kicked them far away. The two of them cooperated perfectly.

Finally, the last five remaining snipers were successfully eliminated. At this time, the sniper rifle suddenly made a "click" sound of running out of bullets.

"Damn! No more bullets."

Hannah hesitated, and the young man immediately knew what to do.

When the frogger rushed forward, the young man's right hand gathered strength, and the steel armor on his hand also transformed into some kind of weapon form. He punched out to form a powerful shock wave, quickly hitting the remaining frogger. The wall of a high-rise building 50 meters away was like mud..

The crisis was finally over, and all the zombies nearby were wiped out.

" can put me down now, thank you."

At this time, Hannah was still on the young man's back, and her rare arrogant pretense was fine.

" Who are you? "

Then Hannah grabbed the young man and asked him like this as if he had discovered a new world.

The mysterious young man originally wanted to respond to Hannah, but something suddenly occurred to him, causing him to swallow his words and turn around to leave.

"Hello! Can I see you again?"

When Hannah shouted this, the mysterious young man just turned around and nodded, then jumped more than ten meters up the tall building, climbed over the wall and went straight to the top of the building, and then disappeared...

Claire, who was looking for a way down from the mansion after seeing Hannah, grabbed Hannah to make sure she was not injured. She didn't see the part about the mysterious young man with supernatural powers at all. She was surprised how all the zombies were dead. Thing....

"Thank God! Hannah, are you okay?! Why are all the frogger dead...?"

Hannah stared straight at the place where the mysterious young man disappeared, not knowing what she was thinking or planning.

"A wonderful person just appeared and saved me..."

Where has the mysterious super young man gone?

Unexpectedly, he was actually just hiding nearby.

The mysterious young man with supernatural powers found a secret place, took out his power skateboard, took off the steel armor on his body and folded it into part of the skateboard. Miraculously, when he patted his clothes, he looked like a chameleon, dressed in black. His clothes transformed back into a blue shirt, white T-shirt, and jeans, like an ordinary young man...

Finally, when he took off the blindfold, his gray hair instantly turned back to black.

His identity is about to come out – it is Allen

"It's so dangerous... .. If I opened my mouth just now, Hannah would definitely recognize her..."

Allen was arranging his appearance while laughing at himself lonely:

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