Chapter 20 Monster Ethan

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Ethan hoisted Heather, barely clinging to life, high up and said coldly,

"I know you are here. If you don't come out...then I will kill her.."

Alan and the others heard Ethan's threat and realized they couldn't hide anymore. They stepped out and stood together, facing Ethan.

"What a surprise, you kid is still here? You are brave."

Ethan said, referring to Alan. Since Ethan had almost killed Alan last time, he thought anyone daring to confront him again was either stupid or suicidal.

Alan whispered to David and Bert,

"Tell Hannah and the others... plans have changed and Ethan has found us.

Alan faced Ethan again, trying not to show fear, but asked loudly,

"Let her go first! How did you know about our plan?"

Ethan tossed Heather aside indifferently and replied with a cold smile,

"Kid, do you think I only rely on brute force? There are many people who have resisted me... How could I not know what tricks you are playing... Come on... I want to see how you defeat me!"

Ethan wasted no time laying his cards on the table, leaving Alan and the others hesitant to make a move.

At that moment, David's walkie-talkie crackled with Hannah's voice saying,

"Plan B."

The three exchanged knowing glances at the mention of "Plan B," as if they already knew what to do.

"What? You don't know how to defeat me, or should you wait for reinforcements to arrive?ok, I can wait"

With lightning speed, Alan, David, and Bert sprang into action. Alan hurled a metal sphere that transformed into a mechanical beetle attaching itself to his wrist, turning into a laser gun aimed at Ethan. David and Bert charged forward, David firing shots from his gun.

Ethan effortlessly dodged their attacks with a smirk, as Alan and David expected. Their job was to disrupt Ethan, while Bert, unnoticed, carried Heather and dashed towards the street gate.

Once Bert reached the gate, it lowered immediately, safely sealing them off, with Claire assisting from a distance.

Seeing Bert's successful rescue, Alan raised his right hand and shot out a grappling hook, using a powered skateboard to glide onto the rooftop of a nearby building, while David, in sync, climbed over a wall and took cover inside a house.

In the next moment, the gate on the overpass suddenly swung open, and several sprinters, previously trapped inside, charged out like unleashed tigers, heading straight for Ethan.

The activation of "Plan B" was a contingency discussed during the planning of the operation against Ethan. Alan had proposed it, brainstorming various contingency plans in case things went awry, but they never expected to put it into action.

Ethan donned a black mask, discarded his coat to reveal his black armor, and drew two daggers from his waist, twirling them skillfully.

With a sinister grin beneath his mask, Ethan said,

"Very good, this is interesting"

With lightning-fast reflexes, Ethan moved like a snake among the sprinters, effortlessly decapitating them one by one with his spinning blades. His actions rendered the fast-moving zombies useless before him.

Even as Alan seized the opportunity to fire off a few laser shots to disrupt Ethan, Ethan swiftly dodged them all.

Ethan's extraordinary speed was thanks to his vastly enhanced neural responses, making everyone else seem slow-motion to him, mere puppets in his hands.

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