Episode 14 Friendship

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In the dead of night, the streets were deserted, with everyone safely locked indoors, fearing both the darkness and the lurking threat of zombies. 。

But in Allen's room, the lights were ablaze.

Various small parts were scattered across the table, all gathered by Allen during his scavenging in the city earlier that day. On the other side of the table, Jack, the doctor, and Allen were engrossed in what seemed like a delicate operation under the desk lamp – tinkering with the mechanical ladybug.




Whatever the doctor needed, Allen swiftly handed over. It was akin to a real surgical procedure, with the doctor as the lead surgeon and Allen as the assistant.

With extreme care, the doctor inserted the micro-components into the body of the mechanical ladybug. Allen supplemented with the remaining non-essential parts he had gathered.

Allen even diligently wiped off the doctor's sweat.

Time flew by as they worked tirelessly...


The doctor held up the mechanical ladybug for Allen to see.


The transformed "Kabuto" now displayed a metallic luster of red, blue, and iron-gray, a sight that astonished Allen.

"Wanna test this little guy's new abilities?" The doctor looked at Allen with utmost confidence.

"This rock okay?"

On the apartment balcony, Allen brought out a sizable rock from somewhere and placed it on a pedestal, confirming with the doctor.

"Perfect. Just leave it there. Come here."

Allen returned to the doctor's side as he activated the mechanical ladybug. "Kabuto" behaved like a obedient puppy as Allen gently instructed,

"let us start!"

At Allen's command, "Kabuto" emitted a radiant glow, transforming and enveloping Allen's right arm, constructing a precise miniaturized laser cannon.

Allen aimed at the rock, ready to test the new firepower.

He pressed the trigger, and the laser cannon powered up. A low-frequency hum rose, tension building as if something momentous was about to happen, leaving Allen both nervous and excited.

When the sound reached its peak, a beam of light accompanied by a buzzing sound shot forth, piercing through the rock fifteen meters away without hesitation.

"Whoa! Oh my god!"

The newfound destructive power, a far cry from the mere surface-scorching ability before, astonished Allen. He turned back to the doctor with wide eyes.

"Is this your invention, Doctor? That's so cool!!"

The doctor smirked, indicating to continue being amazed.

Amazed and excited, Allen proceeded to test each of "Kabuto's" new functions one by one...

Plasma blade: forms a swirling stream of plasma to cut through anything like butter.

Plasma shield: condenses quantum energy into a body-sized shield capable of blocking anything.

Quantum cannon: launches quantum bombs creating small explosions akin to a grenade launcher.

Quantum tether: creates a sticky quantum rope capable of carrying three tons of weight and swinging like spider silk between tall buildings.

And dozens of other functions, all significantly upgraded, left Allen pleasantly surprised.

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