Chapter 28 Fake Greasy Man

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The first thing Allen did after gaining superpowers was to return to the mayor's "Steel Dome" and lay flowers to the 70 people killed by Ethan.

Several people will have their ashes transported by drone to the cemetery for placement.

"Although I've known you for a short time...I saw you all being killed and I didn't have the power to stop you. I'm sorry...but I'm different now. I will inherit your legacy and drive these bad guys out of Atlanta." City!"

Allen gently placed the flowers on the urn and watched dozens of drones take off to the cemetery for placement.

Mayor Oz slowly walked over and sighed:

"these poor young people... It would be too late to deal with that bastard if they were better prepared. It's really not worth it to lose everything like this."

When Allen saw the mayor, he bowed his head and thanked him. If Oz hadn't sent a drone to arrive in time, he would have been killed by Ethan.

"Mayor, thank you for saving me...otherwise I wouldn't be standing here now..."

Mayor Oz patted Allen on the shoulder and sighed as he watched the drone carrying the ashes leave from the skylight on the top of the dome:

"To be honest... I am just like you young people. I want to drive Ethan out of the city immediately... I no longer need to hide here all day long to maintain the operation of the city system. Let Ethan like this. The bad guys have been doing whatever they want in the city...but you know what? Several thieves' towns around the outside are also coveting us, and they have to need people like Ethan...So I hope you will succeed but I don't want you to succeed. ...Reality is so difficult..."

In response to the mayor's helplessness, Allen told the mayor with firm eyes:

" Trust me, there will be a way to change everything!"

After Allen finished speaking, he greeted and turned to leave, but suddenly he thought of something that concerned him but was difficult to talk about, and turned around and asked the mayor:

"Excuse me, Mayor, is Hannah... okay?..."

Mayor Oz looked at the hesitating Allen, rubbed his nose and told him with reservations:

"Well...I think you can go see her yourself..."

On a certain street in Atlanta, residents were busy with traffic and people coming and going as usual.

On the corner of the road, two girls set up a stall and they were recruiting team members. But unfortunately, no one stopped to take a look at them, and no one even dared to get close.

Yes, they are Hannah and Claire.

"We've been here for two days...and haven't recruited anyone...should we stop recruiting any more, Hannah?"

Claire worriedly advised Hannah, but Hannah remained unmoved and responded in a low voice with a serious face:

"No...we need to recruit at least one..."

Seeing the people coming and going, they were afraid to approach them as if they were seeing ghosts. Hannah knew that although Ethan allowed her to form a team to participate in the defense mission, he secretly threatened everyone not to join them. To prevent the emergence of stronger anti-him forces.

Although Hannah still looked cold and stubborn, she looked at the crowd with eager eyes, hoping that someone would join her team... and let her stand up again.

All this was seen by Alan, who was hiding on the far corner of the street. Although he wanted to go forward, but thinking about the quarrel between them last time when she said harsh words, he chose to escape and leave.

At night, Alan is in the van-turned-studio.

"I want to make a costume that can hide my identity when using super powers. Is there any way?"

Allen patted the table and looked at Phillip seriously.

"Of course, Master. You asked the right question! Let's see what useful things the Doctor left behind"

With a proud look on his face, Phillip pulled down a storage compartment hidden on the upper right side of the car. Suddenly, a whole side of the compartment filled with the doctor's inventions was displayed in front of him, which dazzled him.

On this mezzanine, there are nearly 30 inventions made by the doctor during his lifetime, all of which are exquisite but powerful little things. For example: bouncing stilts that can extend tens of meters, telescopic arms that can lift a ton, shock wave grenades, deformable armor, flight backpacks, camouflage cloth that can simulate invisibility, small plasma shields, etc... .They are all amazing. The doctor's mind is very powerful.

Allen had an idea and picked up a few things to combine with his power skateboard.

What does he want? We soon find out.....

This also made Allen make a decision...


The next day.

Hannah and Claire were still recruiting team members on the street, but still found nothing and no one signed up.

"No one dares to sign up, can I?"

Hannah, who was originally cold and stubborn, lowered her head in disappointment. At that moment, a figure suddenly approached, silently picked up the registration form, and said deliberately:

"No one dares to sign up, can I?"

Originally, Hannah looked up happily when she heard that someone was finally willing to join, but she quickly turned her head aside as if she saw a nuisance. It turned out that the person who came was none other than Allen.

" What are you doing here? Are you joking?"

Allen seemed to have changed his personality. He put his hands on the table and said with a frivolous and scheming smile:

"Princess, who dares to joke with you? I said, I want to join you! No one dares to come anyway, you have no other choice, hire me!"

Hannah widened her eyes and wondered...

"Are you acting? ...This is not the Allen I know...What are you planning on doing?...Alan..."

Allen deliberately played the role of a greasy man looking at Hannah with a smile. Probably only he knows what he wants to do.

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