第16章 奇怪的市長

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After everyone's discussion, the plan took shape, and Hannah, standing in front of the table, pointed at the map to assign tasks for the entire operation.

"First off, as night falls and the zombies start pouring in from the North Outer City Wall, Bert and David's squad must guide the zombies and other guards away from specific areas. Heather's squad is tasked with clearing out existing zombies and guards from specific zones. Claire's squad will infiltrate the guard's computer control room to take control of the street gate controls. Lastly, the strong squad led by Alexander will stall Ethan at the final location."

The assigned squad leaders nodded in agreement, and then Hannah pointed at the 14th Street Viaduct on the map.

"Here, both sides have street gates and barriers, making it an ideal spot to trap Ethan."

After finishing her explanation, Hannah looked at everyone, but Allen, who hadn't been assigned a task yet, raised his hand and asked:

"What about me? What do I do?"

Hannah looked at Allen and said:

"I'm giving you the most important task – you'll be in charge of providing overall support. With your motorized skateboard and your amazing mechanical ladybug, you can move quickly and make up for any deficiencies in the mission. That's why I chose you... only you can handle it. Can you do it?"

Feeling the weight of Hannah's trust, Allen confidently pulled out his metallic spherical device, Kabby, and said:

"I can do it, and there it is.!"

Seeing Allen's confidence, Hannah nodded as if reassured, took a deep breath, and shouted to everyone present:

""Everyone, we have really been bullied by Ethan for long enough... It's time for us to take down Ethan and straighten the city of Atlanta... Now the action begins"

Hannah's words ignited a fire in everyone in the cellar, and they shouted, "Down with Ethan!" as they began to mobilize and prepare.

As Hannah watched everyone busily preparing, the operation began. Finally unable to contain her fatigue any longer, she sat down, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, having prepared and disguised herself for this moment for a long time.

Allen, noticing Hannah's exhaustion, approached her amidst the bustling activity and asked:

"Are you okay?....What part are you responsible for? Do you need my help?..."

Hannah, though usually someone would be happy to receive such concern, wasn't in the mood for joy at the moment. The success of this plan depended on her meeting with someone she didn't really want to see, and with a sigh, she said:

"...I need to go see someone now... Will you come with me?"

Meanwhile, instead of heading to the scene of the wall breach as planned, Ethan found himself in a certain part of the city center.

He stood in front of a football stadium, but it was no longer just a football stadium.

Before him stood a massive building fortified with solid walls and barriers, impregnable and inaccessible to anyone, indicating its importance – so important that it needed layers of protection.

Why did Ethan come here? It was because the earlier broadcast had originated from here.

Without a word, Ethan took a rocket launcher from one of his henchmen and, with a contemptuous smile on his lips, aimed it directly at the building and fired.


After the explosion and the dust settled, it was clear that the solid walls and barriers showed no cracks, unmoved like a mountain. It seemed that destruction wasn't Ethan's intention, as he calmly lit a cigarette, seemingly waiting for something to happen...

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