Maknea ~ A harsh day

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I am so sorry for again uploading late, I am just so busy and I do not have enough time for anything anymore. I really try to finish my request and keep on writing but I also need to make some changes in my life to get more spare time to write or do anything just for me. LOve you still and love the support!!

This is a combined request as they all wanted kind of the same, so here is to: @tataxwonie, @Fl0dieFl00tje and @Chimchim_260304 hope you all enjoy!

It was that time of year, a moment where everyone is sick or getting sick. The hyung line has already been sick and Yoongi was the last one to recover. They all had a high fever or were couching all day and night, leading to sleepless night for most of the boys but now everyone was slowly getting better.

The makneas never had better days, none of them had gotten sick with any of the things their hyung were dealing with, they sometimes even joked about the fact how strong their immuunssystem was compared to the older brothers and blamed in on the ages.

But nothing ever last forever.

Jimin eyes open in the early morning feeling how his whole body is going to turn against him, he sits up and a wave of dizziness and nausea is taking over and he slowly gets the urged to vomit.

But as not many of the people know, Jimin has a little bit of fear to vomit it is called: emetophobia. If he was being honest, it wasn't a little fear. Every time one of the members vomits, he gets sick and he will feel his whole body getting more tense and afraid to vomit himself. The sweat is now already on his forehead and het can feel the heat getting to him the more he feels like he needs to vomit.

His breathing is getting out of hand and just the moment his oxygen levels are about to drop Junkook walks into the room. The panic in his eyes is not far away as he is reminded of the fact that all of his hyung except for Taehyung and Jimin are gone for the day.

As they were sick there was a lot to catch up to but the three had a free day which none of them like to feel sick on but Jungkook had no idea what to do.

"TAE!" he screams out of the top of his lungs having no idea what to do in this moment. Taehyung comes running in and sees Jimin hyperventilation. He doesn't even think as he runs towards Jungkook ignoring his own feeling that he has been struggling with the moment he woke up not even 10 minutes ago.

He can feel the fever the moment Jimin skin and his touch and Jungkook is just looking at Taehyung with big eyes filled with some tears and fear.

"Kook, get me a glass of water and cold medication." Taehyung says not taking his eyes of of Jimin but the footsteps that Jungkook leaves behind makes him realises that Jungkook is listening to him.

Taehyung looks into Jimin eyes as he softly starts to speak little words to the panicking man in front of him. Taehyung waits for Jungkook to come back but it takes the maknea a little longer as normal.

"HURRY UP KOOK." Taehyung screams through the room as a moment later Jungkook runs in and hands him the supplies.

"Jimin, breath with me." Taehyung says feeling himself sway a little bit as he tries to focus on Jimin.

Jimin listens and slowly calms down as Taehyung hands him the glass of water, with still shaking hands Jimin takes it and the water in the glass spills over his bed but on this moment no one cares. Taehyung takes back the glass as he sees that Jimin is still a bit upset, instead he gives the cold medicine and Jimin puts in his mouth before Taehyung helps him give him a sip of the water so there isn't more water on his bed.

"Good." Taehyung says, feeling not so well himself. Everything just turned down a bit the moment he had ran in but now everything is back and worse than it was before.

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