Taehyung (V) ~ Middle of the night

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I got a request of @IReadThose and @luv_Bantannn please enjoy this chapter! I am sorry i took so long to upload! I really love to write but i also have to write a report that i need to finish this week but to be honest i don't know if i will make it! I keep trying to do all the request i got.

Thank you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think!

Sirens, police and even a forensic team where walking around and in the dorm of the Bangtan boys. There was loud talking ever where and the boys where trying to look at each other as they were separated to talk to the cops. They where all talking to a police officer telling their story, they where not allowed to speak to each other so something between the interview they looked at each other with worried eyes.

How did this even happen...

"Did you lock the door?" The police officer asks looking at Namjoon who is standing in front of him still wearing his pyjama's.
"The door was locked, I am pretty sure that Jimin locked the door when he entered together with Taehyung last night.
"And you are sure that they both came home not one stayed outside?" The man looks again at Namjoon, Namjoon was sure that he saw both of them coming in and he was sure that Jimin locked the door. But still there was a little hesitation, he knows what he saw but is what he saw true or something he wanted to remember.

"I am sure that they closed and lock the door both of them came in." Namjoon says looking at Jimin who is crying a few meters away from him.
Namjoon wanted nothing more than to go to the other members, but he knew how important it was to answer every question.

"So you are saying that the back door was locked to?" A police officer asks Yoongi as he was standing looking around being annoyed by the fact the police officers where still here talking feeling like nothing was going to happen.
"yeah I am telling you, every door was locked and every window we that was open was on the first stand so it couldn't be opened from outside." Yoongi says. "How long till you start looking?"
"We need every bit of information sir, please understand that we are doing everything we can to work as best as possible."
"But please we had nothing to do with this." Yoongi says looking at the other members.
"I am sure you guys aren't responsible for this but like I said we really need all the information about the night to know what happened."

"When did you notice he was not in his room?" the police officer was looking at Jimin who's eyes where red from crying and the tears are still sliding down his cheeks, his whole body is shaking and he is afraid that his knees will gave in.
"This morning around 11 am, normally he isn't awake. But I just felt something was off." Jimin says still crying.
"What did you see when you walked into the room?" Jimin looks at the police officer in front of him before looking at the members again, he needed someone that would hold him for a second when he would relive the moment what happened not even a hour ago.
"The door was slightly open and when I look around he was not in his bed, his normally white sheet was laying on the ground and was red..." Jimin breaths in trying to continue. "thing that normally where on his nightstand where on the ground, some shattered in little pieces. I walked closer the red stains were dry and I saw more blood on the floor. Then I screamed."

"Did the boys also run into the room?"
"Yes they did, but pretty fast Namjoon told us no to touch more things as he released he was not in the house anymore."

"I woke up from the scream of Jimin, it was so loud and in that second he sounded so afraid and helpless, I stood up without hesitation and run towards to sound as the other boys where there of where running behind me." Jungkook says looking sad trying to hold back his tears as he saw Jimin cry way to far away from him.
"And you are sure that they both came in around 1.30 am?"
Jungkook just nod. "I am pretty sure."

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