Taehyung (V) ~ Cholinergic urticaria

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Request by @taetaejenniesuga




Sweat was dripping down their faces, of course the staff tried their best to cover it up as they are shooting a music video. The sun is shining so bright and it is mid summer one of the hottest days this year and everyone felt like they are all drowning in their own sweat.

"Disgusting." Jin says as he wipes his forehead with the inside of his sleeve just before one of the staff members runs towards him to wipe it away without ruining the makeup. The staff also redo some so it will look perfect in the light.

"I hate this weather." Taehyung says, feeling a bit lightheaded as it was getting a bit to much. They all wore clothes that covered up their entire body. Taehyung was wearing a black leather jacket, with a white shirt and tied black pants. The others all wore something similar to it all in the same style.

"I love this weather when I am at the beach, enjoying the wave in the water with a cold beer in my hand." Namjoon says, feeling a bit down at the thought that they were not there and still here in this open place, where the sun s shining brightly on them and only them and the staff members.

The dancers all had a water break as the members needed to do their own scenes, so they were all relaxing in the shadow while the members were slowly melting away. The shooting isn't going all to smooth. Due the heat some dancers started to feel unwell and even one passed out. BTS of course told everyone to think about themselves and if something started to feel off that they should stop. Only if they listen to themselves sometimes.

Taehyung can slowly feel a ichty feeling on his skin, he can feel the heat of his body redating on himself and it felt like someone was knocking on his head with a small hammer.

But even though Taehyung isn't feeling well, Taehyung could see that Yoongi was struggling too. He walks up to his hyung, as Jin and Jungkook are shooting their part and Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin were talking waiting for their scene.

"You ok hyung?" Taehyung asks, as he sinks down to Yoongi who is sitting on the ground in the shadow of a tent that was just set up for them so they had a bit of rest.

Yoongi just nods as he slowly lets his body lay down and he stares into the nothingness.
"You sure?" Taehyung asks, knowing that his brother is lying as he knows him way to well and he can see the pale skin of the rapper.
"Just feeling a bit light headed due the heat." Yoongi answers now. "You ok?" Taehyung is a little bit shocked to get that question but of course he isn't on planning to tell him that his head hurts too and that his body is starting to itch a bit.

"it is pretty warm, but I feel fine." Taehyung answers. But Yoongi could hear that he was lying, they know each other too well.
"It's ok, not to be ok." Yoongi says, remembering the time were Taehyung really was fighting his inner demons back in 2018. It was a hard year for the boys but Taehyung was the one struggled the most and really tried to hide it as he thought he should handle it just like the others were at that moment.

"My head hurts a bit too and my body is a bit itchy." Taehyung says after a small hesitation if he should talk. Yoongi smiles softly at him and tells Taehyung to lay down next to him and Taehyung does what he is told. Yoongi wasn't prepared for the warmth that Taehyung body is given him, of course the weather outside did have some impact on that but the heat that was radiation of his body was not only from that, it was also a little fever that Yoongi could feel.

He didn't know if it was the his instinct as he was being older and he had a soft spot for the second youngest of the group. The boy always had a special place in his heart and he couldn't explain it.

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