Namjoon (RM) ~ Wake up!

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I think this is my chapter 100!!!!!

I am sorry for all the people that have to wait for me to write the request I am just so busy and I am so sorry to disappoint all of you by not being able to write as much as I like... please understand that I write as much as I can and that is also why I stopped taking request as I need time for now!

Request by @Kaisahsparkle enjoy!!

Namjoon wasn't feeling his best for the last couple of months, ever since that stupid fight with the boys he has been feeling worse and it didn't seem to get better. Somehow the boys just got over it, but it wasn't the same as before.

He could still remember the fight, he could still remember how much the members hated him on that moment and he still feels that sometimes he never wanted to be the leader in the first place and for the first time since the start of BTS he wants to leave more than ever.

He couldn't deny that the boys and him had little fights over the years, it was normal but just like that it always was fine the next day. Sometimes a week but that was an exception but now, he didn't even know how long but for him it still didn't feel right.

There was a part of him that understood them so well, but he couldn't even tell them the real reason why he had decided to go against them at that time and he wasn't planning on telling them either. That would just mean that he would changes their live complete and he wasn't sure he wanted to do that.

He still remembers the conversation he had with the managers were some of them were with him while some were against him.

Namjoon was sitting at the oval table with 5 of their managers, it was their weekly meeting and it was the meeting were Namjoon was taking the lead for BTS and their well being. He didn't like it all the time but his members always trusted him so he was fine with siting there just to make sure that whatever was decided wouldn't be bad for them.

'it is just a threat, I don't think it is really that big of a deal.' One spoke
'a threat? I am so sorry but sending us multiple letters with saying they will blow up the station I am not taking it lightly.'
'we have the people for it to prevent it, don't worry.'
'you can't say that. It is easy to sneak things in even with the right people.'
I think we are taking this way to serious.'
'if we go through we the tour, you know we are putting their lives in danger and not only their also the once of the fans.'
'It doesn't even go that far, people always sent out threats.'
'not like this one, we have seen millions of threats written down but these once are different.'
'You are making a way to big problem out of it.'
'Namjoon-ah, what do you think?' all faces went to the leader, he had just read the threats that they were talking about and he couldn't deny that it felt more real than others.
'I don't know, a threat like this I don't think we should continue the concert.'
'I agree, we can't put the lives of others in danger because you think it isn't real'
'Now you are just taking money from the fans and never give them what they deserve.'
'we will just reschedule.'
'I will not put the lives of my brothers on the line because of the threat. I want it to be safe for 100%' Namjoon says ending the discussion.

He walked out of the meeting after the conversation and didn't want to drive back to the dorm so he just decided to walk. His mind was full, the letter was cruel and there was something about the way it was written that Namjoon didn't feel fine with it.

They always got little threats, but most likely to hurt to members itself. Telling them not to preform other wise they will get shot, or they will never see the daylight again. But this, this was different.

Dear Bangtan,

There are so many more beautiful stars in the sky and you are taking the spotlight.

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