To the person who needs to hear this...

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Social media is something that can be really toxic, reach and destroy your world, their world, your comments can make a difference in their lifes. So please let us be the kind of people on earth that are trying to protect our members or friends and family.

This is a messages I have send multiple times throughout my stories, at least I hope some people saw that.

Life is hard and unfair, it is difficult and sad, heart-breaking and everything at the same time.

Sometimes it feels impossible to go through, light can be so far away. Or the tunnel might be way to long.

I know I can not save everyone is the world from their own demons, pain or thoughts. But I hope that this messages and my stories can make difference. At least for that one person who needs to hear this.

Even though that life contains negative things, it has also something so beautiful.

Stories, people, family, love, BTS, ARMY, brothers and sisters.

The smell of fresh cut grass or the morning after rain, the fact that we smell, see, feel, taste and hear are signs to make us feel alive.

You are not alone, maybe it feels like you are. Maybe it feels like the whole world is against you. it is hard to see beautiful things when bad things are the first thing you see.

But they are there, sometimes they are just a messages away.

We never know how much people are hurting, we never know how much they hide.

But as Taehyung once said: Unless you open up and share your feelings. No one can understand what you're going through.

So please if you are hurting and you need help open up to someone.

This can be everyone, this can be your mom, you dad, your grandparents, your best friend or even me.

Us, this whole community called ARMY should be there for each other, ARMY isn't only there for ARMY it selfs, it is there for everyone. Non k-pop fans or k-pop fans, normal or weird people.

I am here for everyone who needs someone, I will try to be the light at the end of your tunnel.

So please if you have no one to turn to, please come to me. I am here. At least I really try to be...

And as we are here for each others, please let us be there for our members, all idol in the world who are fighting of the hate comments that are trying to bury them. It can get to much for them, so please let us the ones who are changing the world.

Let us be the ones to show idols that we need them alive. Lets at least try to help the people that are silency slipping away.

Please help each other out, please protect our idols!

Please protect yourself, the world is so much more beautiful with you alive and here.

To every idol or person that left our world, please rest in peace. I am so sorry that we couldn't protect you.

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