Namjon (RM) ~ ENOUGH!

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Request by @berry_nanaa

"ENOUGH!" Namjoon yells, feeling how his blood is boiling inside his veins. His face is red out of anger, the boys have now been together for a little over 5 years now. The young boys are trying to figure out life and deal with slowly getting more famous.
"Joon-ah! You are so wrong doing this!" Jin says angry.
"Hyung, just admit it. What you did was wrong." Jungkook says, trying to stay as calm as possible as he can to ease the air.
"No, I didn't do anything wrong. You all don't even know how it is to feel this. You have never been leader before. You think I am happy to make this kind of decisions?!" Namjoon says, feeling horrible about what is happening, but knowing he has made the right choice.

"No, what you did was selfish. You didn't even think about what we would think. I can't believe you would do that." Yoongi says.
"I did what I needed to do." Namjoon says, trying to calm himself down but with every word the others are saying he just can't do it.
"No, are you seriues. You couldn't have said that we didn't have time." Taehyung says.
"How do you expect us to work, we are literally overworked on the moment!" Jimin yells
"I couldn't say anything different! You don't even know what they told me!" Namjoon says, feeling the tears starting behind in his eyes.
"No and we don't care. You didn't think about us. You simply only though about what you think was the best to do. You didn't think about us at all!"
"You really think that?! the only thing I think about is you!"
"This is the third time we have a discussion like this, this week! You keep on coming with things like this Namjoon, it is not ok!" Yoongi screams.

Namjoon slams his hand on the table, before standing up angry. Feeling his chest hurt as he can't believe that his members, his friends, his brothers are thinking like this! He would literally chose for something if he wasn't sure that is wasn't right for the team. Outside of that he didn't even have a choice, but he would never tell them. He would deal with that pressure none of the members should feel what he was feeling, none of them deserved to know what the managers had said to him that morning in the meeting.

Before turning around and walking out of the room he looks at each member, trying to look everyone right in the eyes. To make himself believe he did make the right choice, to make sure that he is not going to regrad it and that he could count on them. But every member was just looking back at him with a stone cold expression waiting for him to leave.

So that is what he did, he walks out, puts his shoes on before putting on a light coat. Just like every other night that week. The stress was catching up on him, the fact that the members just wouldn't see what was really going on was killing him.

But on the other hand he couldn't blame them as he wasn't planning on telling them that the managers said that they would stop supporting the group if they wouldn't go on tour and start practising more than 8 hours a day. How could Namjoon tell them that even when they are working harder than they already possibly can is still not enough to earn the support of their managers, the team that is supposed to tell them that they worked hard enough for that day, that tomorrow is another day but no. All they can see is cash, cash rolling in as BTS is getting more and more successful in the world.

Namjoon steps outside and can feel the cold night air that is going through the town, the sun is already down and the moon and the stars are slowly taking over the world. Namjoon takes a deep breath, he can still feel how his chest is hurting, but he blames it on the anger he had been holding for the last couple of days. His feet slowly start to move under his body and they go faster and faster, his heartbeat is picking up, his breathing is going faster to catch up. His hair is flowing as the wind is going through it, his face is feeling the soft cold air as he tries to take easy deep breaths.

Why would they even think that I wouldn't care, I would literally do anything for them. Do they really think I like it this way? Why don't they just understand that I don't hae a choice, that not everything goes the way I want. Why can't they just see that I am doing this for us.

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