Namjoon ~ Appendix

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This is a request form @ID3ALN3V3and @cowboyjeon, I hope you like it!

Thank you all for letting me take the time to write your request! I really love writing them but I also want to give it the best I have. So again thank you for giving me the time!

"1 2 3!" Namjoon yelled as they al bow to thank ARMY in front of them, they just finished one of their concerts. ARMY yelling and screaming their names, thanking them for tonight and sad that it was already over. No-one would forget tonight, neither ARMY as BTS them self.

It was maybe just work for them, but they loved every single moment and always tried to remember most of each nights and each day with their ARMY. It was hard they were not going to lie, seeing millions of faces, hearing millions of screams but just trying to take it all in was something they could try and that hey did.

The boys came backstage totally out of energy, they give it their all.
"Thank you!" the boys say, thanking the staff members and of course the backup dancer and everyone else that helped with the concert in total. They where thankful for all of it.

The boys first of course all took a fast shower before getting into comfi clothes so they all could go home. After all getting ready and helping the staff a little bit with the cleaning and everything they all went back to their dorm.

Everyone was tired, it was hard to keep their eyes open during the ride home. Namjoon look outside as he starts to feel nauseous, he wasn't a person who get car sick but right now it totally felt like it. He was sitting in the middle, Jimin was leaning on his right side while Yoongi was on his left. He really wants to feel the cold of the glass window on his forehead knowing that it always helps the others who get sick while riding.

But he couldn't he was sitting in the middle and he needs to hold on, he was taking deep breath trying to keep himself calm as sweat is forming on his forehead.
"Joon you feeling ok?" Seokjin was looking at his as he was sitting in the front seat using the mirror to look at his friend.
"I just feel sick." Namjoon says soft, not wanting to alarm the others. "But I know we are almost home, so I can make it."

Jin smiles at his friend as he tries to drive a little faster. As they finally reach their dorm they get out of the car. It is already 10 pm and everyone was just ready to go to bed. But of course they didn't, they all are sitting on the couch now, just looking around. Not talking as Namjoon was trying to fight his sudden sickness. It didn't go unnoticed that the leader wasn't feeling himself.

But everyone was tired, they jumped and were running around, not forgetting all the dancing they did. So nobody thought it was weird that he wasn't feeling alright. Everyone had a day like that once in a while. Not only the others felt this way but also Namjoon himself.

He give it his all and he feel every body part as he sat down and didn't do anything.
"I am heading to bed." Namjoon says, as he gets up a pain shoot through his lower abdomen he lets out a soft whimper as start walking.
"You ok?" Taehyung ask looking worried at his leader.
"Yeah, I just can feel my whole body. It like getting older everyday." Namjoon says smiling at his dongseang.

"You not even as old as Jin-hyung." Jeongguk says looking at the oldest with a big bright smile on his face.
"YAH, Jungkook-ah" Jin says as he smacks the youngest playfully.
"He even is losing all of his power." Jungkook says as he looks at Seokjin who jumps on the boy as he start to wrestle with him.

Namjoon smiles as he walks up the stairs, his body feels like it has been walked over by an elephant. He walks into his room and looks around, he is already in pretty comfortable clothes and is already showered so that means he can just lay on his bed.

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