Hyungline ~ Overworked

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It had been the longest day ever, Suga and RM where in the studio almost 24/7, nobody would see them for days something. Jin knew that they wouldn't eat that much as normal, especially Yoongi, he didn't eat when he was bizzy.

So Jin was riding form the dorm to the studio every day to make sure that they where alright, he came with food, drinks, everything they needed. He was happy that he could help that way, he didn't seem himself as a writer or producer like them. He didn't want to be, he helped if it was needed but he loved to sing and dance and show the world him. Jin was a little worried about J-hope, he had been in the dance studio for most of the time.

He was working on new dance moves and choreo for the new songs, Hoseok loved it and Seokjin ofcourse give all the things he needed. The maknea line was also helping, bringing food, helping with cooking if they could and sometimes help with music or dance moves. But they also took a little rest while gaming with each other while others where staying out late.

It wasn't like the hyung line needed to work that hard and it wasn't that the maknea line didn't work at all. But it was becoming to much for them.

It was day seven of going and going on with being bizzy and Hoseok was the first to break, his body couldn't go thourgh anymore. He was so tired, everything was hurting and he didn't feel well.

"Hobi?" Jimin asks soft as Hoseok entered the dorm, he was pale, he looked tired and he was walking like he had been hit by a bus.
"No." Hoseok spoke soft as he caves in to the ground, Jimin catches him with Jin behind him.
"Let's get you to bed." Jin says soft as the maknea line looks concerned. It didn't come as a surprise that J-Hopes body would give in, so Jin knew what to do. But for the maknea line it was weird to see their brother being to weak.

"Kook, Jimin help Hobi to his room. He need a shower, fresh clothes and a lot of sleep." With that the boys did what the oldest told them Taehyung and Jin where left behind in the kitchen, Jin sat down in one of the chairs as he smiled at Taehyung who is looking at Jin.
"Hyung are you ok too?" Taehyung deep voice was soft as he looks up at his brother, a little worried because of the pale skin Jin had for a few days now. Taehyung had noticed it before but was afraid to say something because he felt it wasn't his place.
"I will always be fine." Seokjin answers.
"But are you really? You look pale, tired and I feel like I am not doing enough." Taehyung answers soft.
"I am tired." Jin decides to say. "If I am being honest it feel like I have been running around, being here than there. It is not that I am dancing like Hoseok or in the studio all day like Joonie or Yoongi. But taking care like that isn't easy." He feels guilty saying it.
"I am sorry for saying that, I shouldn't complain." He than says, Taehyung hadn't say anything.
"Hyung you can always say anything to me. Also you are not complaining, you do a lot, really. I don't know how you even take care the way you do." Taehyung starts. "let me take care of you as you take some time to rest."

"Tae, I really appreciate that. But I can't. RM and Suga, you can't even cook." Jin says, smiling soft now. He wasn't wrong, Taehyung wasn't the best cook in the world, luckily for him he didn't have to cook often.

"Let me than help you, share the care." Taehyung says, knowing that he couldn't changes Jin minds about letting him rest.
"Fine, I was about to bring diner to Suga and RM, you wanna drive?"
"Of course!" Taehyung almost jumped of his chair as he send a text to Jimin telling him that they where bringing Namjoon and Yoongi some food.

Meanwhile Namjoon was sleeping in his chair, music was playing in the background, sweat was standing on his forehead. His eyes where hurting form looking at the screens and his head was hurting like heck. Yoongi wasn't doing any better, he wasn't sleeping but he had a huge headache.

"Yoongi!" Taehyung is almost yelling, he was so excited to see his hyung again, he was hopping through the hallway of the studio. Jin was walking far behind him, not having the energy to jump like Tae was doing in front of him.
"V" Yoongi voice was heard, it wasn't a good tone though. It sounded annoyed and a bit angry.

It makes Taehyung stop as he walks in the room normal, but it makes Jin walk a bit fast.
"We have some food." Taehyung voices was now soft.
"Please just go! I have a huge headache and your energy is not helping, take the food I am not hungry anyways"
"I am sorry." He Taehyung whispers soft looking down at the ground. Yoongi looks up and sees Jin behind Tae, his eyes meet his.
"Yoongi, I don't care that you have a huge headache, you still show respect for the younger and me!" Jin says angry. "He was just happy to see you."
"Sorry." Yoongi says knowing that his hyung was right.
"For you, turn off the screens and computer. You are going home and not coming back at least for two days." Seokjin looks at Yoongi.
"No but.. I am going to get Namjoon as well, he is coming home to. We can't go on like this." Jin says.

Jin and Taehyung are walking toward Namjoon studioroom, Jin wasn't feeling his best now. He didn't mean to be so angry with Yoongi, but still he needed to show some respect to his younger. Before entering he was standing against the wall, a wave of dizziness was hitting him. Taehyung looks shocks. As he hold Jin by his arm.
"You ok?" he ask soft not wanting to do something wrong.
"Yeah." Jin says, with the help of Taehyung Jin opens the door of Namjoons room who was still sleeping.
"Wake him for me." Jin says soft with that Taehyung shake Namjoon soft enough to wake him.
"Tae?" Namjoon looks up.
"Joonie, close everything, turn it all off and come home." Jin says making Namjoon jump of the sudden voice behind him. Namjoon nods, knowing that he needed to listen to his brother now.

Taehyung was helping Jin towards the car, while Yoongi and Namjoon where walking behind them, supporting each other. Taehyung was driving them home, as he entered the driveway Jungkook and Jimin where walking towards the car.
"Let us help." Jimin says Yoongi leans on him. "Let's give you a shower and fresh clothes." Jin smiles knowing that he learned them that.
'Yeah you to." Jungkook spoke towards Namjoon.
"You just need some sleep, you are clean enough." Taehyung whispers to Jin, he had showered just before making diner. Jin smiles, knowing that everyone was now home and going to be ok.

"Goodnight." Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook says as they closes the doors to the rooms of their hyungs.
"Now let's play a video game!" Jungkook says not to loud as the three boys run towards the living room.

"Yeah!" Taehyung and Jimin say.

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