Yoongi (Suga) ~ Flashback

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So this is an anonymously request, hope you enjoy it! Please let me know! Again of course I don't personally know them so this is just me telling a part I don't even know how it went precisely. But I loved to write it.

Yoongi woke up breathing hard, the darkness of the room is surrounding him but he only saw the wheel of that car.

It was only a few times a year he would get this nightmare, but every time it scared the heck out of him. Back than he was just a delivery boy, trying to earn some money to get him through life. His life was difficult back then and not many people knew the truth.

But the world knew by now, the members knew that he was hit by a car while working his job. But back then even they didn't know he told them he had fallen. He was just way to scared that he was going to be kick out.

But every now and than the event would play again in his head. Right now it was in the middle of winter, it was cold and they where working really hard on comeback. He was in the studio most of the time, he didn't even sleep or eat that much. The others, mostly Taehyung, would come by his studio to make sure he ate or stopped on time.

He closes his eyes trying to control his breath. If this was just the only nightmare he had.

He sat up in his bed as he slows down he breathing, he stand up and walks downstairs. He walks to the kitchen and take a glass out of the cabinet. Than he fills it up with water and walks to the window to look at the night sky.

The sky is dark blue and the stars a shining trough the darkness, there isn't a full moon tonight but Yoongi doesn't mind he just loves the night sky. The quiet it bring with it, the peace and the colours.

He looks at the glass of water that he is holding in his shaking hands, why does this nightmare come back everytime even tough it has been years and he feels complete. He is fine now.


He has been writing it off his chest in songs and even wrote it down over and over again. Why was it still hunting him like it has been yesterday.
"Hyung?" a soft voice calls through the darkness of the night. Yoongi looks up.
"Jiminie? Why aren't you sleeping?" Yoongi ask looking at his tired little brother.
"Why are you shaking?" Jimin ask looking at the glass of water in yoongis hand.
"Just had a bad dream, why don't you go back to bed?" Yoongi says, but Jimin knows better. Everyone of the boys knew that Yoongi has been struggle with nightmares once in a while. He never told them much about his feelings but as he opens up his brothers always listen to him. It was precious for the members when Yoongi shares stuff, they know he has feelings but he is really good at hiding them.

"You can talk to me if you want." Jimin says as he sits down on the couch behind Yoongi who is still standing in front of the glass door looking outside.
"One moment is was on the bike and the next moment I open my eyes and there is this big wheel in front of my face and a stabbing pain in my shoulder. Than as nothing has happened it starts over again, making me relieve the moment. And then the fear kicks back in, like I am right in that moment. It is getting worse and worse each time. I am so afraid to lose what we have. What I have. It is not about the money, it is not about the fame. I could life without that. But just thinking about losing you guys, like I never had you. Losing the power of ARMY. The fact to lose something I love scares the heck out of me." Yoongi says, speaking soft and still shaking.

"It's ok." Jimin says.
"No it's not, it is not like that moment is coming here right now. Back then we had nothing. We were just starting, I could have been replaced. Nothing can break us now, so it is not ok." Yoongi says as his voice starts so rise just a little bit.

"But it's ok to be afraid. It's ok to have feelings, its ok to let them out once in a while." Jimin says trying to make Yoongi feel better.

But even those words are not helping right now. Yoongi never like showing his feelings and he never liked the attention he got for it. He did love his members, his brothers, he just hated it when it was about him.
"Yoongii?" Jimin voice was soft but concerned at the same time. "Why don't you sit next to me?"
"I.." Yoongi says looking at the small boy who was sitting on the couch. Jimin looks tired, like all he wanted to do was sleep but Jimin stayed here, looking at his big brother.

With that in mind he sat down next to Jimin, Jimin hesitated for a little moment before wrapping his arms around Yoongi.

For a little moment Yoongi didn't move a muscle, feeling weird to get comforted. But it felt good, he felt save. Finally his breathing was slowing down, his heart beat was also slowing down. Jimin could feel the fast beating when he leaned in closer and now it was calming.

They didn't say much, Jimin just hold Yoongi as he was calming down. Jimin was always the one to comforted the others, his soft touch and sweet voice almost helped everytime when one of the members needed it. Everyone was amazing at giving comforted it different ways.

Just as Jimin looks down at Yoongi, Yoongi eyes are closed, he has fallen asleep. Jimin smiles closing his own eyes and falls asleep.

What feels like a minute Yoongi wakes ups, tears are streaming down his cheeks, his breathing even faster than before and his heart feels like it will jump out. The sudden awakeness wake up Jimin who feels like he only slept for a minute but it was like 1 hour.

"Hey it's ok. I am here." Jimin says soft as he rubs Yoongi back to calm him down.
"Was it worse than before?" He than ask after a few minuts. Yoongi doesn't move, or doesn't say a thing. His face is paler than ever before and his eyes look like he is scared as something can happen at anytime.

"The same dream?" Jimin ask soft trying to figure out what scared Yoongi this bad. Yoongi just nods, he whole body shakes, his breathing is so much worse than before. It scares Jimin just a bit that he doesn't know how do deal with this.
"I am going to be right back, just stay here. Drink some water." Jimin says as he hands Yoongi the glass of water, that he takes with his shaking hands. Jimin walks away, that is something that Yoongi normally wouldn't mind. But right now he just doesn't want to be alone.

He shakes more, his breathing getting more and more heavy, he tries to calm down, but he can't breathing is getting more and more difficult.

"Hyung?" A soft voice, not Jimin says soft. It is the Daegu accent that is coming from no one other than Taehyung.

Yoongi and all the other members have a soft spot for that boy.
"It ok, I am here. Namjoon is coming. But I believe you are having a panic attack." Taehyung says soft. Stroking Yoongi back as he whispers soft little words into his friends ears. Yoongi doesn't stop shaking, he feels like his heart could jump out any moment and breathing is hard. It feels like someone is sitting on it.

"Did you know that rats are really sweet animals." Taehyungs begin talking about other things, like all sort of pets and animals just to get Yoongi mind on something else.

Yoongi is calming down, he can breath again, he can feel that his heart rate is slowing down. Namjoon is just coming down the stairs looking like zombie.
"Yoongi?" Namjoon calls as Jimin walks up from behind him.
"He is calming down, he had a panic attack. But he is going to be ok." Taehyung says looking at Yoongi.
"Sorry for waking you up." He says looking guilty at his younger brothers, Namjoon and Jimin are standing in front of him while Taehyung is sitting next to him. Yoongi feels how heavy his body feels and lays back against Taehyung who doesn't complain.
"Thankyou." He whispers soft to the three surrounding him. He is exhausted he just wants to sleep, but at the same time. He never had a panic attack before and he doesn't want to have it again. It wasn't ok.

"It's ok." Jimin says, like he is reading his mind the whole night "we will always be here for you."
"Come let's get to sleep." Namjoon says looking at his brother.
"I be next to you." Taehyung says soft, he like to have a cuddle at night and he loves Yoongi. But he never can get close enough to him so he is taking this changes with wide arms.
"No it's ok." Yoongi says standing up as he and the other go back to bed.
"Yeah I am sleeping next to you for the rest of the night." Taehyung says as he lays down in Yoongi bed next to Yoongi.

Normally Yoongi would protest but right now, even when he wouldn't want to admit it. He needed someone.

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