Hoseok (J-Hope) ~ Unwanted

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Hoseok is someone that will light up a dark room, make you smile when you have a really hard time. He will be there if anything is wrong, and even though he is struggling he still puts his feeling aside to help others.

It has always been that way, he also could count on the other members to be there for him, he knows that. But he didn't feel like talking about what has been bothering him.

The truth was, he felt unwanted.

It started month ago, he started to feel like he shouldn't be in BTS, he shouldn't be with the members, the members all had different friend groups, he had nobody, he even felt unwanted by his family.

If was telling himself that everyone stills love him and that there was no BTS without him, that his family wouldn't be complete without him. But as time passes he started to think that was untrue.

He is replaceable, someone will take his spot in BTS, someone will fill up the place of him in his family.

And no friends will mis him because he doesn't have some other friends.

He was sitting alone in his bed, holding a pillow like he was hugging it. The boys where downstairs, he could hear them yelling to hurry up to go to the vocal lessons they had in a hour. He could here the maknea line running around and hear Namjoon yell that they should hurry up.

A knock on his door made him look up.
"Hobi you awake?" Yoongi opens the door and looks at his friend.
"Yes." Hobi says smiling soft.
"You feeling sick?" Yoongi ask walking up to the man.
"No no, I am fine." Hoseok says. "Just needed some peace before our day today."

"If you need to talk let me know." Yoongi says before walking off. Hoseok doesn't move, it wasn't like them missed him downstairs, they just wanted to make sure that he was awake...

"They wouldn't miss me anyway today, I think I am going on a walk." Hoseok was telling himself soft. Taking a backpack and walking downstairs.

"Goodmorning." He says loud enough for everyone to hear, with that he gets a few back and others that just smile at him. Giving him a warm feeling and a smile on his face. He opens the frigde as he take out a bottle of water and something to eat for the day.

"Where you going hyung?" Jungkook ask looking up from his plate.
"I am just going on a walk before going to the studio." He told them.
"Be back in half a hour or we will go without you!" Jin answers with a bright smile clearly joking about them going.

He smiles at them, knowing that is it's joke, but even though he knows it, it hurts. He walks out of the door, ignorning the stare he got form yoongi just before walking out.

Was he imaging it or did Yoongi seems concerned? He put his earphone in and put on some music, not listeing to BTS like he would something to get in the mood.

He just listens to music without words, just instrumentals songs, he normally put on when he needs to sleep.

He was know walking for half an hour as he reaches the forest, he know that if he keeps on walking he would towards a really peaceful place. He looks at his watch as he realised that he was gone for that long, he should be back by now. Should he go back? Yeah he should, they would be worried!

Meanwhile while when Hoseok started walking back, the boys where waiting for him at home.

"Where is he, he should be back by now." Namjoon says looking at his watch, waiting in front of the car that would take them to the studio.

"I don't know, can ou call him again?" Jin says looking at Jimin who nods.
"Hobi-Huyng where are you?" Taehyung whispers soft as he is waiting next to Jimin as he hopes he would pick up. But again it went straight to voicemail.

"Can we see his location?" Jungkook asks looking at his hyungs
"I tried, he turned it off." Yoongi says.
"Something must be wrong, maybe he fall? Or he got hit? Maybe he is bleeding at the side of the road." Jimin says starting to panic a little bit.
"Jiminsii, please don't think like that. He wasn't himself today. I guess that something has been bothering him." Yoongi says.
"you can e right, he seems down." Jimin says. "He was smiling all week, but it felt off."
"Maybe walk towards the studio." Taehyung says.
"maybe.." Jin says.
"What if we splitted up.. 3 of us go to the studio to see if he is there, others will wait here, hoping for him to come back." Namjoon says.
"let's make sure we call each other when he is there." Yoongi says. "I am staying here."
"I will wait here too." Jimin says.
"Me too!" Jin says, the other three step n the car that starts to ride towards the studio.

The write is like 10 minutes long so when they arrive they look around but not seeing their friend anywhere as they slowly getting more worried by the second.

While the others where waiting home, they went inside waiting for the door to open, but it didn't.

Hoseok was still walking and knew he was almost by the dorm, looking at his phone he noticed that he had a few missed calls, but the members just wanted to go to the studio. So when he finally made it to the dorm, his heart almost left his body when he noticed that the car was gone.

"they really didn't wait." Hoseok says soft as he looks down at the ground, tears started to stream down his face. He was planning on walking all day today, but he couldn't he walked back and they where gone.

With that he turned around not opening the door, he start to walk towards a new direction. Not realising that his friends where waiting outside.
"where is he? Should we wait outside?" Jimin says.
"Yeah." Yoongi says as they open the door, just in time to see their friend walking around the corner.
"HOBI!" Jin screams as loud as he can before running towards the corner he saw his friend disappear with Yoongi and Jimin behind him.
"HOBI." This time it is Yoongi voice that is to be heard. Hoseok stops walking and turns around.
Jimin runs towards him and hugs him, he then looks up at Hoseok faces noticing the tears.

"No need to cry hyung." He says soft, as he whips away the tears with his soft hands.

"I though you left." Hoseok says.
"Why would you ever think that, we would never!!" Jin says, feeling a bit guilty about the joke he said earlier.

"We could never leave you!" Yoongi says. "Your my little brother and friend I would never!"

Hoseok felt the words, he knows that they are true, but even now it is hard to believe.

"We though something might have happened, we where so worried!" Jin says as he types a messeage to the others.

"they are coming home!" he than says.
"we are going to enjoy a day of just to make you feel better!" Jimin says.
"I though I wasn't wanted." Hoseok says soft.
"not wanted? Who is going to teach me the dance moves? Who is going to be the one that makes me smile when I am done?" Jin says
"There will be others. Jimin can!" hoseok says, those words breaks the hart of the members.

"Hobi? Do you even know what you mean to us? You do know that nobody can replace you. we need you!"
"You are the sunshine on a rainy, you are the shoulder we can cry on, you are an one in a million friend. You are the hope for everyone." Yoongi says, he is so good with his words even though we never hear much from him.

With that they walk home, getting settled on thecouch before releasing that all Hoseok needed was his friends to tell him thathe wasn't unwanted.

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