Hoseok (J-Hope) ~ Hiding

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Request comes from @ I really hope you enjoy it, thank you for this request  hope it something you like. Please let me know what you guys think!
Also if you have a request leave it in the request chapter. I have a lot of request that i still need to write but i promise a lot more will be coming.

Hoseok was looking at his phone for the 50th time in just 10 minutes, he knew he was being obvious by now but nobody seems to notices. He was good at hiding it anyways he has been for the last three months.

It wasn't like he didn't trust the members, or that he didn't want to talk. He really wanted to tell the members what is going on in his privet lives.

It was only three month ago when he went to the doctor office and it felt like yesterday, he had been coughing for around two weeks by then and first it felt like the flu was going around but he never had a fever. He just felt out of shape and he never had anything like that. But dancing had become a difficult task and talking wasn't always easy, he always felt like something was sitting on his lungs.

So after two weeks the members told him to see a doctor and so he did. He was sitting in the doctor office waiting for his name to be called and when it finally did he told the doctor his struggle from the last few weeks. Even when he was sitting on the chair he was coughing like crazy, it was something he never had before like something was stuck in his mouth but then when he kept on going there was blood on his hand. He looked in shock, afraid of what happened when sitting in front of the doctor.

He remembered how the doctor looked at him, as he already knew what was coming, but Hoseok knew that wasn't possible.

The doctor took some blood samples, urine, swap and a puncture before Hoseok could leave again. He waited for like a week before he got a call from the doctor to come by as fast as he could.

On that moment he was training so the other members looked at him while he was on the phone a bit worried because the coughing hasn't stopped, even though they didn't even know that most of the time Hoseok was coughing up blood.

Hoseok smiled while talking on the phone and answered that he could come by right away that he could miss out practice.

The boys just nod and smiled at him, before he waved at them and left the studio.

Even though he smiled at the phone, told the boys that is was to get an antibiotic and he smiled at them before leaving. He knew something was wrong, really wrong.

SO when the doctor told him that he has lung cancer his world collapsed, he didn't expect that. The doctor told him that there was a treatment, a heavy one and that he shouldn't dance as much as he did, he did need to come to the hospital twice a week, Hoseok stopped listeing. It was getting to much. Not being able to do what he breathed for he couldn't.

So when he came home that day the boys where still at the studio and he was alone.

He cried, he cried for hours till he fell asleep on his bed, when the boy came home they called him but he didn't respons so deep asleep so the boys let him and the next morning when he walked down the others ask how he was doing. He told him he was going to be ok, that he needed to have checkups just to be sure and he needed to take it easy.

They understand, they knew that something was wrong with his lungs but they didn't knew the truth...

So days turned into week with turned into month that Hoseok was hiding his disease now. Not only for the members, but also the company, the staff or his family.

He just didn't know how to tell the members, so looking at his phone waiting for a phonecall for the doctor he hoped for the best..

And finally his phones rings, even though he waited for it he looked at the phone just for a moment before smiling at the guys and swiping the phone so he could answer.

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