Chapter 43

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We had to take a train for another five hours to reach the village where the magic institute was located.

There were no buildings or marketplaces in this place, and it is colder than the capital city because there were many mountains around.

The only thing nearby was a large convent on the other mountain.

"How much higher do we have to go?"

After getting off the train station, we had been climbing the mountain for several minutes.

The institution, which we thought was visible immediately after getting off the station, was said to be reached by climbing a steep mountain for about half an hour.

Since we arrived in the middle of the night, the mountain was dark, and the cries of the animals could be heard faintly.

In a quiet place without a single person, only old signs fixed to the ground were seen.

It was an institute known only for geniuses, but I thought the place deep in the mountain must be eerie.

"Did they set up an institution in such a remote place to prevent people from running away?"


As I was climbing the mountain, I heard a big explosion with a bright light ahead. It was such a huge roar that it made the mountain tremble.

We stopped walking and looked up in the direction where the explosion was heard. Clearly, that was where the institute was located.

It couldn't be a celebratory greeting to welcome us. Because of the recent experience with the train incident, all sorts of unpleasant things were flashing through my mind.

"We'd better hurry up and go first."

Leto took the lead first. Everyone climbed the mountain full of worry.

Then, the blue roof welcomed us along with the statues of past great wizards. It was smaller than the Lexley Academy, but it was still a huge institution.

Unlike the atmosphere that was supposed to be dull and solemn, the place was reminiscent of old buildings like the holy shrine where the pope lived.

In addition, there were many artworks around it, such as monuments and unique sculptures.

But more than that, the statue that first welcomed us was the most eye-catching.

"It's quite late."

As we walked down the path looking around, a woman appeared.

"I'm the manager here and your senior. I was a graduate of Lexley Academy."

"Well, by the way...... I heard an explosion earlier. Is there something wrong?"

"It's because of the training. You'll get used to it soon."

What kind of brutal training are you doing?

"Didn't you hear about the camp? Of course, it requires a tremendous amount of training for the trainees here, but it doesn't require that much for you guys who are here to experience.

You can think of it as letting you guys experience a few things."

At that, I was relieved, but I wondered if I had been deceived by Professor Hartz.

"Oh, shall we go in first and continue the conversation?"

The woman let us in, saying she would show us inside first. Despite being night, there were several trainees wandering around in the institution.

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