Part 36: Wrapped in a red bandage dress

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Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs, and I, my dearest reader, am a lady in love. Perhaps that explains the countless dreamy sighs from my painted lips as I stared at the reflection of the newly dressed me. I didn’t bluff when I said Carrie excelled in her major, and the dress I was adorning proved it. It was not something complicated or extravagant, but simple and elegant. Like the color of my lips, the wine-red dress was a perfect match for my romantic disposition.
It was a fancy bandage bodycon one-shoulder dress. It had a cut from the side of my shoulder up to near my chest. It hugged my waist, proceeding to wrap around my hips, snugly accentuating my curves in all the right places, with one side long enough to reach my knee while the other side ended mid-thigh in the form of a slit that added a touch of allure. The dress was made of a high-quality fabric that felt luxurious against my skin, enhancing both its comfort and elegance.
My sister took care of my face, applying soft and natural makeup that enhanced my features without overpowering them. She swept a rosy blush across my cheeks, highlighting my cheekbones, and added a subtle shimmer to my eyelids. My salsa hair was styled in an updo that showcased the intricate braids and delicate curls, giving me a sophisticated yet playful look. Completing the ensemble, I slipped into a pair of strappy heels that elongated my legs and added a hint of glamour to the overall outfit.
It was finally the day.
Life is interesting and funny, indeed. The thought brought a laugh as I recalled that day. The day when Carry kicked my door open and went on and on about Valentine’s Day and how I wanted nothing but to shove something in her mouth so that she would stop talking.
Who would have thought that I would be looking forward to it?
I enjoyed these thirteen days. I enjoyed the school projects and how the school looked livelier than ever. The energy in the air was too contagious to resist, as students collaborated and exchanged ideas with enthusiasm. It was refreshing to see everyone so engaged, motivated, and enthusiastic to learn. This was something unexpected.
Picking up my purse, I took a deep breath, released it, and headed towards the door. It was time, and I knew he was waiting for me.
With every step I took, my stomach flipped and fluttered as I recalled how this tryst to meet with my beau started. Now, with my cheeks rosy and my lips like cherries, I realized how excited I was about what was yet to come as I started my first page on the diary.
Sweet nothings that he whispered, and there he was. A simper escaped my lips as I held my breath. From his gaze alone on me, his touch is what I felt as I held on to the stair railing so that I wouldn’t fall on my knees with how my legs were turning jelly.
Standing at the end of the staircase, he looked even more handsome than I remembered. Dressed in the black suit that hugged his broad shoulders, he screamed manly, and I just kept falling for him. Everything about him was just so perfect. From his looks, the way he dressed, his charisma, and his charm, but mostly how his face always lights up when he sees me.
His expression, drinking in my appearance, and the bobbing of his adam’s apple, his face, his reaction, jackpot!
With our eyes locked, I made my way down the stairs as the heel of my shoe made a soft click on each step. His smile widened, and he extended his hand towards me, when I reached at the bottom of the stair ready to whisk me away into the night. This reminded me of a scene from Titanic, with Nick being my Jack while I, his Rose.
“You look-” his moment, however, was cut short or rather interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
Startled, I looked around only to notice the presence of other people in the house—my family. Embarrassed, I evaded their teasefull smiles, knowing that I would burn red if they started teasing me.
“Aww, mama. Look how your other daughter has grown, beautiful.” My sister was the first one to speak, her voice filled with playful affection. “She has to; after all, she has my genes.” Dad chimed in with pride.
“You look wonderful, my love.” Dad, being dad, decided to steal the thunder from Nick, causing mom to playfully slap him, chuckling.
I couldn’t help but laugh at his pettiness, rolling my eyes. I knew he cleared his throat before Nick could compliment me. What a child.
“You look beautiful, darling,” mom said, making her way towards me. “I hope you have fun tonight,” she continued as she straightened the nonexistent wrinkle on my dress.
“I’m grateful, Mom. I’ll make sure to have fun tonight,” I promised her with a smile. I knew that this step I was taking today meant a lot to my parents.
Despite the fact that I told them I was fine, I knew they knew otherwise. She was the happy when I arrived home, despite her suspicions about why everything happened so suddenly. Nonetheless, she was grateful, especially because all of her children lived under the same roof. She had called it Valentine’s magic.
“No drinking, though.” My dad added from the couch with a serious expression, but if you looked clearly into his eyes, you wouldn’t miss the teaseful look he had.
“I won’t, dad.” I assured him, turning back to Nick, whose eyes were watching me the whole time.
“What? Don’t tell me you are blinded by my beauty too.” I teased him, playfully nudging him. He grinned and leaned so that I was the one to hear what he was going to say.
“You mean, drunk, that I need to hold you so that I won’t fall for you more?” he whispered, and if I was not yet flustered, then I definitely was after his comment. My cheeks burned as I tried to hide my embarrassment with a playful shove.
“Ahem.” Again, my dad cleared his throat, interrupting our moment, again. “Are you two done flirting? You boy, make sure my girl gets -”
“Home before midnight?” I finished for him, only for the rest to chuckle.
“Exactly,” he said with a smile, giving Nick a pointed look.
“Oh, come on, honey, midnight is the event they are going to.” Mom interjected, rolling her eyes playfully. “Let them enjoy their night; they’re responsible young adults.”
Nick chuckled while I grinned at mom. “Dad, I am not going to a homecoming. I am going to a party, k?” I teased my dad, enjoying his helpless expression.
My dad sighed and exchanged a knowing glance with my mom before finally nodding in reluctant acceptance.
“Shall we, then?” I turned to Nick, who readily offered his arm for me to take, but before we could leave, he turned and faced my dad.
“Don’t worry, sir; I’ll make sure she’s home safe and sound.” Then we left for tonight.
“Wow!” was the only thing I could say upon arriving at the party.
I know that it was a party, but no one said about literally a red carpet party! I mean, they outdid every expectation I could think of with this part.
The venue was blasting with Demi Lovato’s music, ‘Neon Lights’, creating a glamorous and lively atmosphere. A long red carpet led up to the entrance, lined with photographers eager to catch a glimpse of the ones arriving, like we were some sort of celebrities. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation as we stood at the start of the red carpet.
“Wow!” Nick echoed my words, clearly blown away, like I was. “You guys don’t hold back, do you?” He chuckled at the sight, and I had to agree.
“Are you ready to be a celebrity, my lady?” Nick whispered in my ear, his eyes sparkling with mischief. I couldn’t help but laugh, tightening my hold on his arm and nodding. The moment we stepped on the carpet, it felt like we were transported to another universe of glitz and glamour.
Flashbulbs popped and cameras clicked incessantly as we made our way down the red carpet, basking in the attention and feeling like true VIPs. The energy of the crowd was infectious, fueling our excitement and making us feel like we truly belonged in this world of celebrities. We stopped occasionally and paused for the pictures and answered questions about who we were wearing, and I made sure to put Carrie on the map as a rising fashion icon.
The whole experience was surreal and crazy awesome! The crowd made sure to dress like in the met gala, with most of them in white and gold. Red was few, which I was grateful for standing out. We even had to sign our names on the wall before entering the main event! As we walked through the doors of the main event, I was again left awed. The planning department outdid themselves.
The venue was transformed into a breathtaking spectacle, with extravagant decorations and stunning art installations. What caught my eye was that some of my work was also featured as part of the art installations.
“Whoa, I didn’t know it would be like an exhibition on the inside!” I exclaimed, making my way to the one particular photograph.
“You took this?” Nick asked in wonderment, and I nodded my head with pride. It was a picture of a bird perched on the tree with its beak open.
I remember taking this picture last season. It was raining, but the stubborn bird was determined to sing its heart out. Now that I looked at it, I was amazed at how I was able to perfectly capture the bird’s resilience and beauty amidst the gloomy weather.
“I know you are a good poet and writer, but I didn’t know you also had a real talent for capturing the essence of a moment. How come you never took a picture of me?” I chuckled at his comment.
“Are you jealous?” I teased, a wide smile on my face. “I truly am.” He replied with a playful grin.
“I guess I appreciate seeing you with my naked eyes rather than behind the lens. There’s something special about experiencing moments firsthand, without the barrier of a camera.” I told him honestly, and his eyes darkened with desire at my remark.
He leaned in closer, his voice low and husky. “I honestly want to take you home now so that I can capture every moment with you, not just in a photograph but..” he let his words trail off, his gaze intense as the air between us crackled.
The intensity of his gaze sent shivers down my spine, making me want to abandon this party and take his offer.
“Um, look at that.” I gulped, trying to regain my composure as I quickly walked past him, going towards another picture we took. It was the perfect distraction from his manly aura that was overwhelming me. Why would he suddenly seduce me? I wondered in my mind.
“This one was when we first created our club. It was three years ago, and I had no idea it still existed till now.” I mummered loud enough for him to hear while starring at one particular photograph of us. We were in the editing room, and I remember me setting the camera so that we could capture all of us.
“You looked happy.” Nick commented, standing next to me. “Yes, I was.” Looking around the section we were in, most of them were my work, making me wonder why so. I wasn’t informed about all of these. The whole arena was like a showroom of our memories, frozen in time.
“My, oh my. Don’t you look stunning?” Carrie’s voice rang out, and we both turned to see her with her ‘prey’ matching ours.
Might I say that she looked like a goddess? She was clad in a white sequin sparkly off-shoulder A-line long evening prom dress with a custom side slit that started from her thigh and extended all the way down to her ankle. Her hair was styled in a neat updo, adorned with delicate crystal hairpins that caught the light as she moved. Carrie’s makeup was flawless, with a subtle smoky eye and a maroon-mate lip stick that perfectly complemented her dress.
“Dang, girl!” I exclaimed, “You are absolutely stunning, Habibi!” Carrie flashed a confident smile and gracefully walked towards us, enveloping me in a hug, then Nick.
“Thank you! I just can’t help but look beautiful always,” came her confident reply as she twirled around. Nick and I laughed at her never-ending playful nature.
“And you look dashing with Mr. Pastor.” I turned to Dave, giving him a wink. He grinned and replied, “I’m a lucky man to have such a beautiful date.” Carrie blushed and playfully nudged him, causing us all to laugh again.
“Where is Lizzy?” I asked, looking around. “Probably making her boyfriend’s life hell on the red carpet.” Carrie joked, causing us to chuckle.
“She’s always the life of the party,” I added, shaking my head with a smile. “You guys outdid yourself.” Nick nodded in agreement.
“I can’t believe how well everything turned out.” Carrie beamed with pride, her eyes scanning the room filled with decorations and happy guests.
”That’s why I told my precious girl here that this year’s Valentine would be different.” “I promise to believe you always.” I raised my fingers in pledge, making us laugh.
In no time, Lizzy made her grand entrance. With her and her boyfriend’s looks, they always managed to turn heads towards them as they walked into the room. The couple was dressed to impress; their outfits were perfectly coordinated with gold and black accents, making them the center of attention.
Lizzy’s sparkling dress shimmered under the lights, while her boyfriend’s tailored suit accentuated his chiseled features. Everyone’s eyes followed them as they made their way towards us, adding to the already electric atmosphere of the party.
“And her highness is here,” I said, bowing down playfully as Lizzy approached. She laughed at my dramatic antics.
“You look used.” I turned to Ethan, who gave me an exasperated look, knowing all too well about his trek down the red carpet with my lovely Lizzy. “Anything for my Barbie, anything.” We giggled at how henpeck he was as he said this and gave me a hug.
“Today, we do nothing but enjoy the night!” Lizzy exclaimed loud enough that the DJ understood his assignment as he played a mix of upbeat tunes, instantly setting the mood for a fun-filled evening.
From my favorite Kenyan artists, Sauti Sol, Nyashinski Nikita Kerring, and others, I was lucky to be here. The dance floor was already packed with enthusiastic partygoers, moving and grooving to the infectious beats.
“Hello everyone! I’m hoping you’re having a blast!” the Mc announced, his voice booming through the speakers. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as an answer. “Can I say that you guys are awesome? Or what do you think, Natasha?” The MC’s question was directed towards Natasha, who was his co-Mc. She grabbed the microphone and replied with a wide smile.
“Absolutely! This energy is off the charts! I mean, are we in some sort of award or what?” The crowd laughed and cheered in response to Natasha’s remark.
“You know, when I first came, the energy with which the cameramen attacked me on the red carpet almost made me fall over!” We all laughed at his exaggeration, but could one blame him? I was starstruck when I arrived. The MC continued,
“Butseriously, folks, let’s give it up for all the amazing talent of event planning faculty and staff who have worked tirelessly to make this event possible. Without their dedication and hard work, none of this would be happening. Let’s show them our appreciation!” The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging the behind-the-scenes efforts that often go unnoticed at events like these.
“You know what, Jemmo?” Natasha directed her question to her co-MC beside her. “I knew this year was my year. I mean, I never thought that I would wear such beautiful dresses for such an event. But here I am, feeling like a million bucks, and it’s all thanks to the fashion design faculty and to the one designer who makes me feel over the moon today, Closet Chic.” Upon hearing the brand name, I couldn’t help but cheer louder, as it was Carrie’s brand.
Feeling proud and touched, Carrie waved at the crowd and bowed slightly in gratitude. Now that’s my girl.
“Guess what everyone… The party is officially starting, and for that, we are going to welcome the university president to kick off the festivities.”
As the president took to the stage, the excitement in the room reached a new level. The dean and some professors also went on stage and said one to three things regarding the event.
“Now, let’s welcome the most important person. She was the one who came up with such a great idea and pitched it to the school council to be approved. She has worked hard so that we can have such glamor in our school years….” As the Mc continued to introduce the next person, my heart began to beat faster. I don’t know if it was fear or nervousness, but my hand gripped Nick’s arm tighter.
“Hey, are you okay?” I heard Nick ask, but my eyes were trained at the entrance.
“Now let’s give it up for our deputy president of the University of Art, the one and only beautiful and talented Silvia!” And there she appeared, dressed in a red-laced maxi dress with her hair flowing down her back. Beside her was Harry in a gold tuxedo suit with black pants. They looked perfect—like a perfect couple made in hell.
I was fighting my anxiety, which was starting to consume me. I could feel my heart racing and my palms becoming sweaty. The sight of Silvia and Harry together brought a wave of uneasiness over me, making it hard to breathe.
“Hey, Mandy!” Nick’s voice snapped me out of all the dark thoughts, and I turned to look at his worried expression.
“Sorry. You were saying?” I asked, trying to push aside my racing thoughts. “You know I am on your side, right?” he asked, and I smiled weakly, grateful for his support. “Of course, Nick,” I replied, my voice trembling slightly.
“It’s just...seeing them together like’s hard.” Nick nodded understandingly, his eyes filled with empathy. “I know it’s tough, beautiful. But remember, you’re stronger than you think. You’ll get through this.” His words offered a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos in my mind, and I felt a renewed determination to face my anxiety head-on.
“Hello, everyone!” Our attention was diverted by Silvia’s voice, and we turned on stage.
“I must say that this is beyond my expectations,” Silvia said, her eyes scanning the crowd.
“The love and support in this room is so overwhelming that I can’t breathe properly.” The crows erupted in laughter as Silvia fanned herself with her hand, trying to catch her breath.
“But seriously,” she said, her voice filled with gratitude, “thank you all for being here tonight. Your presence means the world to me. Many people think that the idea came from me, but that is where you are wrong.” At this, the crowd went silent, curious to know where this was going.
I was also curious to know because it was unexpected. Silvia not taking credit? Since when?
Silvia paused for a moment, her eyes scanning the room before locking with mine. “The truth is,” she continued, her voice growing more intense, and for some reason I began to feel uneasy, especially when her eyes trailed to me.
“This idea was actually born from Mandy over there,” and just like that, the spotlight turned to me. Brighter like never before as all the eyes shifted from Silvia to me. This scene was all too familiar. The curious eyes, the anticipation in the air, and the weight of everyone’s attention were focused solely on me.
It was as if time stood still, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. My memories went back to the incident three years ago, when everything went down. People laughed at me, judging me, and sneered at me as if I were a joke. Even when they were banned from talking about the incident again, it didn’t stop the whispers and side glances that followed me wherever I went. Hardening my skin is how I got to live. People like to talk, but eventually, over the years, they forget about it.
But now, as I stood in the spotlight once more, it made me wonder if this was another way of Silvia messing with my life again. I felt a squeeze on my hand and looked over to see Nick standing beside me. His reassuring presence reminded me that I wasn’t alone in this moment. I refused to let those memories define me. This time, I was determined to prove them all wrong and show them the person I had become. Taking a deep breath, I composed myself and waited to see what kind of game Silvia was playing.
“I know you are all surprised by this. But what I am saying is no bluff.” She continued. “I don’t know if you remember, Mandy, but three years ago, while we went shopping at the newly opened mall, you told me that people make a fuss about Valentine when they can just shower love each and every day. You also mentioned how fun it would be if we had more than a day to celebrate Valentine.” At Silvia’s words, my eyebrow furrowed as I struggled to recall what she was talking about. And it was then that I remembered.
“You know how there are twelve days of Christmas? It would be fun if we did the same with Valentine, only that it wouldn’t be 12 but fourteen. Fourteen days of Valentine. What do you think?” I remembered telling Silvia that three years ago. I was so excited about spending it with Harry that I wanted every day to be Valentine’s Day.
“Imagine all the different ways we could show love and appreciation for each other every day for two whole weeks. It would definitely make Valentine’s Day even more special.” “Well, shocker. Your idea is six days late.” Silvia had sarcastically thrown my idea back at me.
"We’re already halfway through February, and you’re just now suggesting this? Plus, I don’t think I have the energy or creativity to come up with fourteen different ways to show love every day,” she replied back then. Coming back to the present, my eyes widened at the revelation.
Fourteen days of Valentine’s Day was my idea to begin with! I had wanted it to be like that, but because of what had happened back then, I had forgotten about such a thing.
My eyes moved to look at Silvia. She had a smile on her face, like she knew that I remembered, and I don’t know if it was the light, but her smile was different this time. Not the trickster smile or the evil one she always gave me, but a genuine one.
“I thought your idea was wonderful despite our differences most of the time, and so I thought, How about I give it a try? Though I have foreseen that it happened, all credit goes to you. I’ve always known you as someone with good ideas, from your stories to your poems- ” I quirked an eyebrow at this.
She read my poems? As if reading my thoughts, her smile widened, and she said, “Oh yeah, I have read your poems, and Obsession is my favorite. Guys, you should check out her stories and poems. They are so amazing, I promise.” Her words caught me off guard.
Honestly, I thought I was in some kind of dream, and whatever was happening now was not real. I mean, this is Silvia we are talking about. The mean girl who ruined my life and showed no remorse at all.
“And I am not giving empty praise because I just received a mail today that your script ‘Meet Me at Midnight on Valentine’s Day’ has been chosen for production by All Stars Entertainment,” she continued. Mummers erupted in the room, and my jaw dropped in disbelief. I looked at Nick beside me, who had a curious look on his face, as well as my friends.
“You’re probably wondering how? It’s just that I submitted your script without telling you. I knew how talented you were, and I wanted to give you this surprise today.” Silvia explained with a hint of guilt in her voice. I stared at her, speechless and unsure of how to react. The script she was talking about was something I wrote a long time ago and had thrown away.
I didn’t want to see anything that had Valentine in and I even forgot I wrote such a thing.
Wha..what was happening? Was this really the Silvia I knew, or what was this?
“This Valentine, while we are spreading love, I wanted to give you this gift. So guys, have a blast tonight!” She concluded her speech, followed by applause. As the applause died down, I could feel a mix of emotions swirling inside me. Confusion, disbelief, and a hint of curiosity. Silvia’s sudden change in demeanor left me unsure of what to think or how to feel.
“Well, that was surprising.” Nick spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. “You don’t say.” I muttered, still trying to process what had just happened.
“Hey, are you okay?” Carrie approached us with a concerned look on her face. “What just happened?” Lizzy asked, her voice filled with bewilderment.
“I have no idea,” I replied, shaking my head, still dazed. “It’s like Silvia just transformed into a completely different person.” Carrie nodded in agreement, her brows furrowed.
“We should probably talk to her and find out what’s going on. If this is another one of her games, then-,”
“Mandy,” Lizzy was cut short by a familiar voice behind us. Talk of the devil; it was Silvia.

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