Part 8: A wonderfully fragrance lingering...

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The silence was comforting, but our thoughts were contradicting. I, for one, was in deep thought, replaying the events that have taken place for the past two days. two days, and now three days only, and I could feel the course of my life changing. I don't know what to feel about this sudden change. A part of me is a tad excited, but the other is afraid.

My thoughts were disrupted by Lizzy clicking her tongue, only to see that she was busy, furiously typing on her phone like she was poking the recipient.

A sigh came from the other side, and I saw Carrie looking like she was in deep thought. Whatever she was thinking of wasn't good, as I could see the changes in her facial expression, followed by biting her nails.

Looking at her troubled expression, I wonder if it has to do with that 'predator' of hers. She has not said a word about him again or the progress that she has been making.

"Girls!" Carrie suddenly exclaimed out of the blue. Maybe too loud than expected as my heart almost leapt out of my ribcage from her sudden outburst. The same case was for Lizzy, who almost dropped her phone. Did I mention that Carrie always gets the attention?

"What the heck is wrong with you!" Lizzy snapped at Carrie with furrowed eyebrows. Ignoring the annoyed Lizzy, Carrie went ahead and asked something that we did not prepare for.

"What do you guys think of pastor's sons?" There was a period of silence as we tried to understand if we heard it right or wrong. I looked at Lizzy, who was staring back at me, confused as well.

"What?" Lizzy and I exclaimed at the same time.

"What are you talking about?" Lizzy had already placed her phone aside, staring at Carrie with a frown. She hated it when Carrie became loud out of nowhere. But that is Carrie's character, and nothing can be done to change it.

"What I am trying to say is, what are your views when it comes to pastor's sons? I mean, like their behaviour, how they carry themselves, especially how you are supposed to carry yourselves when you are with them," Carrie explained, fidgeting in her seat. This was something new for me and Lizzy to see our overconfident friend acting all nervous for the first time.

"You have never associated yourselves with any?" I asked, baffled but where the conversation was coming from.

"I am too much of a sinner to have been acquitted by one?" It sounded more like a question than an answer. I raised my eyebrow at her words while Lizzy snorted.

"And what makes you think that you need to be holy to know one?" Lizzy asked

"Because their fathers are messengers of God? They should lead by example since they are...anyway, just answer me. What are they like?" Carrie asked exasperatedly.

"They are just like anyone else-" I started when Lizzy butted in and cut me short with a snort.

"What do you mean like anyone else? They are the definition of snobbishness, egoistic fools who think they are above everyone else because their father stands in front of a congregation to preach the word of God."

"Damn, girl. Is this personal?" I could not help but ask with a grimace. It was not entirely true.

"Very much! But I am not making any of this up. I met a dozen of them while in high school. They were four of them, who were from different churches. Trust me on this. Those kids are the most spoilt brat to exist in this world. They act and behave like they are studying in Jerusalem while we are living in hell," I could not stop myself from bursting into laughter upon Lizzy's loquacities.

As much as she held so much bitterness in her words, it was true somehow. I have also met egoistic ones. There is always this too much pride around them that would make you question why they feel so special to the rest, but not all of them are bad.

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