Part 12: A simper escapes my lips...

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Walking home filled my mind with a million different thoughts: the events of the day, conversations I had, and everything I wished I had said to that guy I've been dying to say. I've always run away from him since I can remember, despite the fact that I have so many questions and things to tell him. Never in a million years did I think I'd have the nerve to speak to him today without stammering.

Remembering his surprise brought a triumphant smile to my face. I started to feel proud of the progress I had made today. Perhaps I was too lost in thought to realize that I had already arrived home. I didn't come out of my trance until he said something.

I inhaled deeply while clutching my chest and glared at the person who made me feel uneasy. I know it was my fault for not paying attention to where I was going, but still...

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Nick apologized.

"It doesn't change the fact that I almost died from a heart attack," I grumbled under my breath. "Make some noise next time." I reprimanded with a frown on my face. I noticed him raise an eyebrow before speaking calmly.

"Are you upset with me?" I hadn't expected him to ask, so his question caught me off guard. Was that how I sounded? I wasn't upset with him, but seeing him made me think about yesterday and how close we came to kissing before he pulled away. I knew I was being petty by being irritated by that incident, but knowing how stupid I can be in his presence irritated me even more.

"Why should I be angry with you?" I inquired, shifting my weight on my foot. "I was just startled." I added, not looking him in the eyes. How was I going to avoid this guy when he looked this good every time I saw him?

He was dressed in a grey tank vest and black shorts. It was clear that he was working because of the dirt on his hands. I frowned, wondering if he had even slept, but then remembered that I was supposed to act as if I didn't care for the time being.

The awkwardness was beginning to creep in. Maybe it was time to make a concerted effort to avoid him. Or I could pretend to be suddenly interested in something else whenever he was around.

Like yawning. Yes, that's a fantastic idea.

"I will be off then," I said when he was about to say something. As I walked away, my heart raced, hoping he didn't notice my discomfort. Even though it was only the first day, it was becoming tiresome to avoid him.

"Wait!" Nick abruptly called, causing me to come to a halt. I looked back at him with a skeptical expression. Is this the part where he tries to get my attention? 

I wondered, suppressing the joy that was beginning to bloom in my heart.

"Did you...did you receive my messages?" He inquired, somewhat awkwardly.

"Um...yes." Even though I jumped with joy when I saw his text, I tried to keep my voice casual.

"You did not respond, though," he said carefully, as if afraid I would take offense.


I took a deep breath, feeling bad for not responding to his messages, but I needed to toughen my skin.

"I'm sorry. I've been busy at school, so I didn't have time to... text you back." I winced internally as I watched his fallen face before quickly recovering.

"Oh, I'm sorry for bothering you..." No, you can never be a bother. That's what I wanted to say but kept quiet instead. "I just wanted to know how your neck was," he added, making my heart skip a beat.

"It has recovered, thanks to you," I said gratefully.

"I'm really tired, so...see you later," I said, and strode away before he could respond.

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