Part 1: On one of my tryst...

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I always strive to excel in the things that I am good at. Which was almost in everything I put my mind to except mathematics. Damn, no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't seem to grasp the concepts and formulas. Anyway, my mantra was, put the effort into what you are good at.

That would explain the existence of the large cake in front of me. I had spent hours perfecting the recipe, carefully selecting the ingredients, and decorating it with precision. The cake was a testament to my dedication and skill in the kitchen, and the mere sight of it made my mouth water with anticipation.

The aroma of the freshly baked cake filled the room. It was a sight to behold. I have never seen anything quite like this. A perfect chocolate cupcake with a rich, velvety texture and a glossy ganache topping. The intricate piping and delicate sprinkles added an extra touch of elegance to the already stunning creation.

All this was the work of my hands, and I could feel my hands itching to reach for it.

I am an excellent baker, you see, and I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen to discover new recipes. This was something I inherited from my father, who is better versed in the kitchen than my mother.

Slowly and steadily, my hand moved towards the huge cupcake, while my heart raced with excitement and anticipation as I imagined what it would taste like. How it would burst into a million flavors in my mouth, creating a symphony of sweetness and decadence. The vibrant colors and intricate decorations only added to my desire to take a bite and savor the masterpiece I had created.

Picking up a spoon, I took a slice of the cupcake, marveling at its moist texture and the aroma that wafted up from it. As I brought the first bite to my lips, just when I was about to feel its heaven-like taste-


The kitchen exploded, startling me awake with the remnants of the cupcake fading away.

Oh no! Please don't let be a dream!

As if on cue, the booming sound repeated just to confirm it was really a dream. Disappointed, I groaned in annoyance as I kicked the bed like a kid throwing a tantrum.

"Come on, open the door! wake up!" said an agitated feminine voice on the other side of the other side, making me curse.

"Quit it!" I grumbled, burying my face deeper into the soft fabric and their was silence.


Sighing, I was tempted to go back to sleep, hoping to continue with my incredible dream. But just as I closed my eyes, the persistent knocking resumed, growing louder and more insistent. I really wanted to tear up the person who was sent from hell to destroy my peaceful slumber.

That wasn't all, as the next thing, my door was kicked open. Like literally.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was a member of a ninja society or something.

"Can't a girl sleep peacefully in this house?" I groaned, my mood worsening. One thing that I hated the most was my someone ruining my sleep.

"How can you even call this sleeping? Have you checked the time? It's noon already!" came her exasperated voice from above.

I couldn't see her face, but I knew she had her hands on her waist, just like my mother did when she scolded me.

"Today is my day off from everything, Carrie. I'm taking the day off from school, work, and even from you!" I retorted, my voice filled with defiance.

I really enjoy my sleep. I enjoy my mornings just as much as I enjoy cupcakes.

Why was she ruining everything I like?

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