Part 25: But the uncertainties love

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 "What are you frowning about?" I asked Lizzy when I saw her lost in thought. She sighed and looked up at me with a troubled expression. "I can't help but feel like Carrie is changing," she confessed. I raised an eyebrow, curious to hear more. 

"I mean, have you checked her wardrobe? All her clothes have been shoved to the corner, and a new set of clothes has been brought in—decent clothes." She emphasized the last word.

"And what is wrong with decent clothes?" I asked innocently, reaching for a bowl of Mabuyu (Boaobab)on the table.

Lizzy shook her head, her eyes filled with concern. "Nothing is wrong with decent clothes, but this is Carrie we are talking about! You know her and decent clothes don't go in the same line, right?" I nodded, agreeing with her. It's not like Carrie dressed close to naked, but she loved showing skin and wearing outfits that turned heads wherever she went.

"Still, there is nothing to fret about. Sometimes people just need a change." I shrugged as I savored the baobab's tangy flavor. 

"I get it. But the rate of this change is not healthy at all. Ever since this Dave guy came into the picture, Carrie has not been the same. Tell me, Mandy, have you ever seen Carrie change herself for any man?" Lizzy's question made me pause for a moment. 

I reflected on Lizzy's question, thinking back to all the times I had spent with Carrie. While she had always been a strong and independent woman, I couldn't recall a time when she had completely changed herself for anyone. It seemed out of character for her. But ever since Dave entered her life, she started questioning herself.

"You see, even you think so!" Lizzy snapped me out of my thoughts. "It's like she's willing to change herself just to fit into his idea of what a perfect woman should be." Lizzy had a point, but still, I did not want to overthink this.

"Yes, I mean, Dave is different. Unlike other of her suitors who would do anything to please her, he is a challenge to Carrie. And we both know how Carrie loves challenges and would do anything to get what she wants." I raised my hand, stopping Lizzy from saying anything as I continued.

"You are not like this because of your high school love, right?" and it seemed like I was right, judging by the way her resolve wavered.

"Okay, maybe a little. But you can't blame me for being concerned, okay? I have been there; I have tried to change for that guy and even forgotten about my friends. The most terrifying thing is that I did not know I was changing. What I am trying to say is that I hope Carrie won't change so much that she forgets about us." Lizzy sighed.

"Don't worry, Lizzy. If she dares forget about us, then we will kidnap her and drown her in the nearest river until she comes back to her senses." I joked, trying to lighten the mood. Lizzy chuckled, appreciating the attempt at humor.

"And if she doesn't, then I will bury her six feet under. If we cannot have her then no one else will." Lizzy said, and I faked a shiver.

"Whoaaa, I knew we were soul mates." I high-five Lizzy as we laughed.

"But seriously, not everyone is like that scum. Let's hope this guy is worthy it. Have you spoken with your father?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Nop, but I spoke with my mom. Nothing happened, and that makes me wonder what my dad wants." She then sighed, picking up her clothes from the floor. Like I said before, her room was a mess. I almost forgot it was Friday because she has this custom of cleaning her room every Friday. Carrie and I tried to follow this tradition, but it was not for us.

Lizzy's room was like a barbie dream come to life. The walls were painted a soft shade of pink, adorned with delicate wallpaper featuring tiny flowers and butterflies.

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