Part 7: How to nibble on his nape I love...

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I squeezed my eyes and cuddled in the blanket, hoping that I die in my sleep. That way, at least, I will be free from my joke of a life. You might think that I am crazy to wish upon death, but that it's the only thing in life that can give me peace at the moment.

And the laughter of my friend Carrie that could be heard in my bedroom did not help the situation. Isn't she supposed to console me? Then why is she laughing at my situation?

"Can you tell me what is happening already, and why was Mandy limping just a while ago? Better yet, why has she locked herself inside her bedroom," Lizzy bomber Carrie with questions one after another.

And yes, I was limping when I entered the house and locked myself inside my bedroom, burying my face in my blanket. It is the only thing that gave me comfort and a feeling safe.

" Oh my...ha, ha,, I just can't...ha, ha, ha," hearing my friend stumble upon her words that she could not form a proper sentence made me want to cry. Not because I felt sorry for her but because it was hurting my pride and kept resurfacing the memory wish to bury for life.

These are the times I wish she was laughing with me, not at me. I prayed internally that she won't tell Lizzy a thing and that we could finally have one secret that is not known by the three of us, but all my wishes and prayers were thrown out of the window when she started spilling the beans.

You see, our house is not noise-proof. So I could hear everything.

"You know, at first, I bought the story of her wanting to join me for a morning run, but then again, it turns out that she was doing all for Nick," Carrie started.

"This is getting interesting," I heard Lizzy say, and I could imagine her taking a seat, comfortably all ears.

"So, we were running, and I was glad this time I had someone with me, but then, his mind seemed not present with me, as she kept on glancing around like she was looking for someone..." Carrie's voice faded into the background when the dreaded memory resurfaced.

"Isn't love sweet?" Carries asked as she ran behind me. I looked in the direction she was looking, only to be met with old couples in their running clothes. The lady was standing looking down at the man, who was squatting in front of her, tying her shoes. It was a beautiful picture, and I wished I had my camera to picture such a beautiful moment.

" It is. Wish someone would do that for me," I pouted, looking at them enviously, then back at my shoes which coincidentally had undone laces. I needed to tie them before an accident happened. I thought, wanting to decrease my pace.

These are the times that I wish someone was here to help me tie them. I heaved a sigh, almost stopping when from the corner of my eyes caught sight of someone familiar. Forgetting about the shoes, I strained my eyes to make sure I was not imagining things, and truly I was not. The anticipation of seeing was finally getting fulfilled, and I could feel the joy taking over my heart.

"Well, there is your guy," I think I heard Carrie say, but my focus was long gone, and I could only see one person in my line of vision.


The one I have been waiting for all my life.

Dressed in a black tank top with grey pants, his arms flexed deliciously for my eyes to feast on. They say a man who works behind the desk is handsome, but I think the man who runs is the sexiest.

From his expression to his neck, his broad chest, and those arms. Damn! I think I am starting to have a fetish for strong arms. My thoughts were already violated by the image of him wrapping those arms around me, embracing me, carrying me, and shielding me.

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