Part 15: As lotion glides on my body...

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"So you guys fought?" Lizzy asked, seemingly confirming what I had just said.

I had my eyes closed as I marveled at the magic Lizzy was performing while massaging my scalp. After all of our fun with Nick, my hair was so caked with flour that I couldn't stand it any longer and unbraided it. 

I was so fortunate to have Lizzy come home and offer to help me when I was struggling with my hair. I had asked her to help me, but she was initially hesitant, claiming that she was tired—only I knew how lazy she could be. But she eventually caved when I explained how I got my hair to look like that.

She even offered to wash my hair! That gossip has a lot of clout.

"I wouldn't call it a fight." We did argue, but it wasn't really that bad. I made an attempt to correct Lizzy.

"Whatever it was, how come you didn't end up in bed?" Carrie's dissapointed voice came through Lizzy's phone. When Lizzy realized I had a juicy story to tell, she immediately called Carrie and put her on speaker.

"You guys are now overreacting." I fought the urge to scoff at their overly dramatic reactions. They were acting as if I was falling in love for the first time! Imagine their reaction when I told them that we kissed. Oh my goodness, I nearly lost my hearing. Their excitement was palpable, and I had no choice but to endure their gushing and swooning.

"And that would be too soon. We just met and barely know each other." I added before they could say anything.

"What do you mean by 'too soon'? Have you heard the expression "people's true pool of confidants is everyone they meet?" Lizzy spoke up, massaging harder than usual, making me wince.

"Lizzy is right. It's not like you haven't noticed the guy is attracted to you." Carrie supported Lizzy.

"But liking and being attracted to someone are completely different things. You know I'm not into flings." I debated.

"It sounds like you're overthinking things and allowing your fears to hold you back. It's sometimes necessary to take a step back, let go of your worries, and simply enjoy the moment." Carrie carried on.

"Yeah, and it's not like we're asking you to marry or date the guy. Let everything happen naturally, hmm. Have you ever heard the term "love at first sight"? "There is no schedule time for love, and it can never be estimated,"

I grimaced as I listened to their advice, and as much as I hate to admit it, they were correct. I realized I was afraid of taking risks and stepping outside of my comfort zone because it meant losing control of my life. This is why I adore my friends. Having someone who can keep us grounded is essential in life. Even if their words are difficult to hear, it is comforting to know that they have your best interests in mind.

"Okay, Bonny Lasses. As much as I'd like to talk to you, my predator is moving, and I need to be on the look out. I'll see you later and tell you all about it. Love yah!" and the line went off before we could react.

"I never expected her to be so serious about her 'predator,' I thought as I stared at Lizzy's phone.

"You know how Carrie is when she sets her mind to something. She despises losing, but she hates it even more for what she can't have." said Lizzy

"Do you think she's serious about this guy?" I asked, sitting up straight and clutching the towel wrapped around my head, stopping water from running down my neck. "She is putting in significantly more effort than she has with others, so..."

"Maybe..." I shifted to take a seat on the couch as Lizzy shrugged and cleaned up the area where she had washed my hair. "It has to be; look at how she's been dressing lately. Her crop tops, booty shorts, and miniskirt are all gone.

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