Part 30: slipped away b'coz you were never mine

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Song recommendation: The heart wants what it wants; Selena Gomez


Leaving his house felt like I was leaving a piece of myself behind. All the happy memories were clouded with sadness and pain. One that was once bright has now turned into darkness. It is true when they say that it takes a lifetime to build a nation but only a moment to burn it down to the ground.

The most ironic thing was the fact that I was hoping he would chase after me, even though I knew I was not going to give him a chance to speak or try to explain himself. He could be right, but I couldn't care less at that moment. My emotions and mind were all over the place, and I was not in the right state to listen or even reason.

Closing the house with a bang, tears streamed down my face as I made my way towards my room, only to be stopped by Carrie.

"Now what did the poor door do to- why are there tears in your eyes?" Upon seeing my tear-stricken face, Carrie's expression morphed to worry, while Lizzy, who was standing next to her, wore a confused look.

I tried to hold back my emotions, but the floodgates had already opened, and I couldn't find the words to explain what had just happened.

"What is wrong? Why are you crying? Who bullied you?" I would have found the last question funny if it were any other time, but at the moment I only shrugged her off. I was not in the mood to talk to anyone or answer such questions.

Carrie's concern deepened as she reached out to gently touch my arm, her voice filled with genuine worry. "Please, let us help you. We're here for you." I appreciated her support, but in that moment, I simply needed time to process my emotions on my own.

"No, Carrie, not now. I need to be alone. Can you read the memo? I do not want to talk to anyone!" I did not mean to be so rude to my friends, but it just came up. I was too hurt to consider their feelings at that moment. 

"Why are you getting all moody with us? We are just trying to help."Lizzy, being short-tempered, spoke, and the word 'help' only flared the anger within.

"Help?" I turned around and flared fiercely at her.

"Like how you two were trying to help me get my Valentine's date? How about this? Go and ask your best candidate what it is, and stop bothering me." I snapped.

"Would you stop being a child and start talking?"

"Stop Lizzy. Let her be. She is clearly not in the right state of mind." Carrie tried to intervene, but Lizzy was having none of it.

"Why should I stop? She is clearly upset with something, and she is bringing it into the house. What does this conversation have to do with the guy you like?"

"Shouldn't you be asking him that? I clearly remember you guys pushing me to him just so you would feel that you have done something for me."

"Are you crazy or nuts? Why are you blaming us for your own actions? Yes, we pushed towards him, but no one tied you or put a gun on your head so that you could mess around with him. Grow up!" Lizzy exclaimed, her frustration evident in her voice.

"Because you are not childish yourself? You are having problems with your man simply because you are not much of a child to know that relationships go both ways, right? I am not the one hiding from my father because I am too scared to face him." I know I should not have said that but the anger and resentment had built up inside me. It was a low blow, and I instantly regretted my words as soon as they left my mouth. But the damage was done, and there was no taking them back.

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