Part 9: Just for him to smell...

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a few hours earlier...

"Isn't it supposed to be February, when everyone is busy studying? What's the deal with so many people?" As we weaved through the rushing crowd, I grumbled, trying not to get knocked down.

I was cautious not to damage any of the school's property as I grabbed onto the large backpack with some equipment on the front. The university was humming with activities, which led one to believe that the holiday season was quickly approaching. When I first got to school, and immediately had the impression that I was in the heart of a busy city during rush hour.

Given that the holiday season left everyone hungover and in need of rest, February is typically the dullest month, but this year was different. The hallways, which were supposed to be deserted, were now filled with energetic students who were moving or, better yet, rushing along.

I don't think I need to explain why, do I?

"Wow, this is insane!" Tanya, who was standing beside me with her own bag, exclaimed at the scene, and yes, it was crazy. Even a market has fewer people than the scene in front of me. We were filming while on our way to meet Samantha.

"Is this going to be the case every year from now on? Who even thought of this idea?" With my eyes darting all over the place, I asked in frustration.

"You'll never guess...Silvia," Tanya replied, causing me to pause for a second. "What exactly do you mean by Silvia?" I inquired, hoping I had misheard. "How do you know it's Silvia?"

"Samantha was the one who informed me that Silvia approached the dean and put out this notion. According to her, the pupils would benefit and the school's reputation would improve. I was told that she had all the backing for her proposition." Tanya explained while adjusting her luggage.

Samantha, the student we were on our way to see, is a journalism major. There was no reason to question that she told Tanya because she is someone who is knowledgeable about everything that occurs on campus.

Before Silvia got involved, I assumed this was just a fun activity for the student, but something told me it wasn't that straightforward. Silvia never does anything without a cause, especially since she is aware of how Valentine's Day is to me.

Or am I overanalyzing this? She wouldn't spend so much time on me, would she?

I was brought out of my stupor when someone bumped into me, almost making me fall. If I make a mistake in front of so many people for the second time in a day, it will be sheer bad luck. Thank heavens I acted quicker and managed to save both my staff and myself. Not so lucky was my shoulder, though.

"Watch where you're going," the guy who ran into me snarled as he walked away. "Hey, are you all right? Tanya enquired anxiously. "What a damn **s," she yelled at the vanishing form of the guy, making me chuckle.

"I'm doing OK. Let's go now before we become victims of a stampede." I suggested whilst rubbing my shoulder.

We arrived safely at our destination after a frantic dash through the mass. I exhaled with relief, hoping that the remainder of the day would not be like that. I adjusted the bag on my shoulder as I fixed my gaze on the building in front of me that had large letters carved on it. It was the Economics Department.

"Hi, Tanya, hello, Mandy," Samantha, the person we were here for, waved her hands at us as she walked out of the building.

She looked stunning in a bright summer dress that came just above her knees. They went nicely with her white sandals and bob haircut. Samantha is the epitome of beauty and sexiness, especially with her hourglass figure that makes guys look twice.

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