Part 13: His touch is what I feel...

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(A little steamy-]

Something I'd only read about in novels was actually happening to me in real life. I've always dreamed of a time like this, a magical hour that stops my heart and enables me to savour the warm sensation that started to develop in my chest.

The way he shaped the piece, the way his biceps moved when he pressed his knuckles against the board, the way he smiled with a satisfied expression—this was true contentment. He gave off the impression that he was a professional. His movements were initially brisk and forceful when he first started, but as he became more aware, they became more deliberate and gentle. I had the impression that he was creating something unique just for me. He was quite the sight in the pink apron, after all, he was wearing my apron. I smiled to myself, filled with an unrivalled. warmth.

His gaze shifted away from the dough and toward me. His eyes were intense as he stared at me, his gaze unbroken, trying to decipher the thoughts racing through my mind.

He raised an eyebrow, perplexed as to what had made me laugh. His lips twitched in the glimmer of a smile as he waited for my response. I decided to show him by pointing at a mirror on the wall because I couldn't trust my voice.

I laughed again as I noticed him looking in the mirror while scrunching up his nose. I didn't say anything, and neither did he. It was a peaceful silence in which our actions and eyes spoke louder than words ever could. My giggles turned to laughter when he attempted to wipe the flour from his face, only to make it worse. His exasperation and embarrassment only added to my mirth. The scene was hilarious.

He then turned around and smirked at me. It was sexy, but I could feel my body tensing and my heart racing in anticipation of whatever he had planned in his cunning mind. His eyes glint mischievously as he smeared flour on the other side of his cheek and began walking towards me. I knew he was up to something, and I was eager to find out what it was.

He finally came to a stop in front of me after what seemed like an eternity of walking. I thought he was going to retaliate by smearing flour on my cheeks, causing me to back away only to have my back touch the counter. I was stuck with nowhere to go. Nick, contrary to my expectations, only placed both of his hands on the counter, enclosing me as if I were a prisoner.

My mouth went dry as I raised an eyebrow in a silent inquiry as to what he was doing, but he only grinned again, teasing me with the mystery of his actions. The counter was preventing me from moving very far when Nick leaned in slowly and deliberately, getting so close that I could feel his warmth enveloping me and hear my pants as they came out inaudibly.

"You said you like Indian movies, right?" When I heard him ask in such a stern manner, my heart skipped a beat. "Y...yes," darn it! I tried to say the words calmly and confidently, but my voice shook. But what was I supposed to do when he was so close to me that I thought my heart was going to burst?

"Then you should know about a festival called Holi," he continued, this time whispering near my ear and causing tremors to run through my body. I couldn't think clearly because of our close proximity, but I remembered bits of our last conversation about holidays.

I nodded, still struggling to find my voice. It only took him hearing my response for him to lean over and tenderly rub his cheek against mine.

It was as if time had stopped and I couldn't breathe. I was frozen in time as if I'd been hit by a wave of emotion that had left me gasping for air. He rubbed his cheek against mine in a slow, sensual motion akin to a cat, but this was unique due to how rough his subtle was against my skin.

Oh my goodness! I almost purred with delight at the sensation.

Before I realized it, I had closed my eyes and leaned in, asking for more, when I felt him pull away. I almost pouted when he pulled away, but I stopped myself when he moved to the other cheek and did the same thing.

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