Part 28: Afloat on love's sea

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(A little should know.)


I've read in books and seen in movies that places we've been hold memories of us. These memories can be triggered by revisiting those places or even by encountering familiar scents, sounds, or sights associated with them. It's fascinating how our minds can connect specific memories and emotions to physical locations, creating a deep sense of nostalgia and attachment. 

The same could be said of Nick's kitchen. Every inch of it, despite being fully renovated and modernized, still holds traces of the memories and emotions that I experienced that day when I came to his house. The sound of our laughter echoed, and I could envision it like a movie, seeing the both of us running around, throwing flour at each other like mischievous children. 

How he held my waist and hoisted me up the counter so that he could wipe the flour that had entered my eyes, and our first kiss. At the thought of that, my hand unconsciously reached up to touch my lips, forming a small smile on my face. My eyes closed as I savored the sweetness of that stolen moment. The warmth of his touch and the taste of his lips lingered in my memory, creating a sense of longing. How his arms were around me, holding me close as we-

"I thought the popcorn turned into huge monsters and gabbled you up." I was startled out of my thoughts by Nick's sudden voice behind me, making me jump in surprise. I turned around to see him standing there with a mischievous grin on his face. 

"You scared me!" I exclaimed, my heart still racing from the unexpected interruption. 

"Where was your mind?" I blushed, realizing that I had been caught. 

"Oh, just reminiscing about something," I replied coyly, trying to hide my embarrassment. Nick looked at me, his black eyes curious but gleaming the next moment as if he had figured something out. 

"Um, the popcorn." I turned around and headed to the cabinet to grab a bag of popcorn, before he could speak and fluster me further. But Nick just has to place it at the top of the cabinet, making me wonder if he did it on purpose.

Who places a bowl of popcorn in the highest cabinet? Even while standing on tiptoe, I still could not reach it. And why was he not doing anything to help?

Frustrated, I was about to turn to Nick when I felt his presence behind me. His chest then pressed against my back, and he placed one of his arms on the counter, caging me, while the other reached up effortlessly to grab the bowl of popcorn. 

"Let me help you with that." His hot breath fell next to my ear as he whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

The closeness of our bodies did strange things to my body, causing my heart to race and my cheeks to flush. I couldn't help but be aware of his strong physique and the way his arm brushed against mine , sending electric sparks through my skin. It was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, leaving my thoughts all messed up.

"Thank you." I managed to stammer out as he handed me the bowl of popcorn. The intensity of his gaze made me feel like he could see right through me, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking in that moment.

As I grabbed the bowl of popcorn, my hand grazed his, and his touch lingered on mine for a moment—longer than necessary—intensifying the tension between us. It was becoming increasingly clear that this was going to be a long and unpredictable evening. 

Going back to the living room, I handed my USB flash drive to him as I settled snugly on the couch, ready to watch the movie of my choice.

"Which one are we watching?" He asked, taking his spot beside me—closer than necessary—and putting his arms on the back of the couch. I could feel his warmth radiating towards me, causing my heart to race even faster.

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