CHAPTER-6: Menace In Venice?

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Location: The New York International Airport

"You guys remember the plan, right?" Agrim asked, checking his surroundings. "Keep your cool, and whatever you do, don't let anyone catch a glimpse of those suits."

"Got it. I hid mine in between some of the clothes I carried." Ritvik said.

"I've stashed mine in the suitcase as well. Should be good as long as they don't do a random bag check." Arush says.

"I honestly just decided to wear mine." Zain replied.

"What? What about your mask?" Ritvik asks, confused.

"I'd rather not say..." Zain replies awkwardly.

"Next, please." The security officer says.

"Alright, stay calm and we'll breeze through this." Zain says as he steps through the security check.

"Passport and boarding pass, please."

"Here you go." Zain says, handing over the documents.

As the officer scans the passport and pass with his eyes, he shoots a glance at Zain which makes him a bit nervous. After that, he waves the metal detector all around his body and stamps his pass.

"Alright, you're all set. Have a safe trip."

"Thank you, sir. Have a good day." Zain says, releasing a sigh of relief.


As Arush and Ritvik make it past the security check, they join Zain and wait for Agrim, who approaches the checkpoint, trying to keep his nerves in check. He knows he's carrying his Spider-Man suit in his handbag, but hopes the security won't notice anything out of the ordinary.

"Alright, sir, please place you bag on the conveyor belt for scanning."

Agrim nods and places his backpack on the belt, trying to appear calm despite the nerves creeping up on him. He watches anxiously as it moves through the scanner.

"Sir, is there anything sharp or hazardous in your bag? Any liquids or electronics?"

"No, just some clothes and essentials for the trip."

"Alright, I'll need to take a closer look."

The security officer opens Agrim's backpack and begins to sift through its contents. Agrim tries to remain composed, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Everything seems to be in order. You're good to go, sir."

Agrim lets out a sigh of relief and thanks the officer before grabbing his backpack and joining the others.


As the plane takes off, Zain settles into his seat next to Gwen, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves about the trip. He steals a glance at her, trying to hide the grin spreading across his face as he imagines the adventures they'll have together.

Meanwhile, Ritvik finds himself seated beside Betty, feeling a bit awkward but also excited to spend time with her. He offers her a smile and strikes up a conversation, hoping to make the long flight more enjoyable.

Across the aisle, Arush and Agrim take their seats together, discussing their plans for the trip.

"Dude! Lessgooo!" Arush says, hyping Agrim up.

"Yo, Sharma!" Flash calls out to Agrim. "This is called an airplane - it's like those busses you're used to, but instead of driving through the poor neighborhoods, it flies above them."

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