SIDE STORY-2: Meeting The X-Men

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[I hate to do this to you, Arush, but we really need you to wake up now,]


Arush wakes up in a lab room, with a sheet over him.

"Arush, my name is Charles Xavier. These are my X-Men." Professor Xavier says, surrounded by different X-Men, such as Cyclops, Jean Grey, Kitty Pryde, Storm, Colossus and the Beast.

"Well, I, for one, am very glad you're okay." Jean says.

"How old are you?" Kitty asks Arush.

Arush puts a hand up to his face only to realise that his mask is gone.

"Wait, what happened?"


Memory Fragment: Two hours ago

[Storm! Storm we're in trouble here!]

"Jean, the Spider-Man kid and the other kid- the guys are going to die!"

[We're going to die! I can't- I can't keep this plane together telekinetically at this speed. Not even close!]

"Kitty hold on to something!"

"Yeah, okay, why didn't I think of that?!"

"I don't know what to do. I don't-"

[Wait, Ororo, switch!]


[Storm, take the plane, I'll get the boys.]

"Watch your wind, I'm working on my psych here."

"Sorry." Storm reaches the plane. "Hold on, Kitty-Cat."


"AAAAGH!" Kitty yells from inside the plane, holding on for dear life.

Jean flies down and grabs Geldoff, before flying straight toward Spider-Man, who's free-falling whilst being knocked out.

Just inches above the ground, Jean manages to catch Arush and saves him.

Memory Fragment: End

"Aaaaand you're welcome." Storm says with a grin.

"Oh, man..." Arush sighs.

"Yeah." Kitty nods from behind him.

"Oh! Oh, come on..." Arush says frustratedly.

"What?" Beast inquires.

"You took off my mask?!" He asks, angry at the whole situation.

"We wanted to make sure you were still breathing-"

"Man! I'm trying to keep a secret identity here! No one respects my secret identity! No one! One secret- that's all I want. I want to put on the mask and keep it on. And every time I turn around, someone somewhere finds out I'm Arush Kumar!"

"We- uh- we didn;t know your name." Kitty answers sheepishly.

Arush facepalms in frustration and lets out another groan.


"Dude, check out what they did to my nipples." *SNORT*

"He, uh, he looks a lot happier than the last time I saw him." Arush says to Professor X.

"I gave him... a happy thought." Professor X replies with a small smirk.

"You zapped his brain with your mutant psychic brain?" Arush asked.

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