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The cafe is bustling with activity as Zain, Arush, Agrim and Ritvik sit around a table, laughing and catching up.

"Bro, I can't believe it's already been a week since high school started." Zain says.

"So much for meeting every other Saturday, eh?" Arush joked.

"Yeah, well, school sucks ass." Ritvik said.

"True, but, things might just get better for us. Only took 15 years." Agrim said.

"Yep, I'm finally gonna ask out Sally Avril tomorrow." Ritvik declares.

"Oh-ho? Look who's joining the big boy's league." Arush joked. .

"Fuck off." Ritvik said. "It's just, I'm not gonna let those jerks push me around anymore."

"Fuckin' finally, I thought you'd never man up, and just let us get beaten up for standing up for you." Arush said, taking a bite of his croissant.

"Whoa, whoa. Chill, bro." Agrim says.

"No, no." Ritvik interrupts. "He's right. Enough is enough."

"Thank god..." Zain mumbled.


"Alright, class. Settle down!" Professor Aaron Warren, the biology teacher at Midtown High enters the class and tells the class to settle down.

"Right... So, today we'll be going over the recent mock quiz you guys took a few days ago. Since it was a surprise quiz, most of you were unprepared. But since you guys did give your finals last semester, I expected you lot to do a bit better. Worry not, we will be retaking this test this coming Monday." As soon as the teacher mentions a test, the class erupts into groans of dissatisfaction.

"Best be prepared this time around." He says, before pausing at the podium, and collecting the test sheets.

"Alright, I'm going to pass your tests back to you now. Please go over them once, and then we'll do a quick recap of it, before moving on to today's lecture." He says, as he starts handing back the tests.

"Mr. Kumar, an A+. Excellent work, keep it up."
"Mr. Sharma, an A+ as well. Keep it up."
"Mr. Zaffar, an A. Good job."
"Mr. Anand, a B+. You can do better, I believe in you."
"Mr. Leeds, an A-. Good work, keep it up."
"Ms. Stacy, an A. Good job."
"Ms. Watson, a B. I'm certain you can do better, but good work nonetheless."
"Mr. Osborn, a B-. Not bad, but you can do better. Keep it up."
"Mr. Thompson & Mr. Robertson, both of you have a C-." *SIGH*
"Ms. Avril, a C+, Ms. Allan, a D-. C'mon Ms, Allan, that's not what I expected from you. Do better next time." Liz looks deflated as she gets her test back.

The Professor keeps on distributing the tests until everyone gets their sheets and then proceeds with the lecture.
After they're dismissed, Professor Warren stops a bunch of them back to have a talk with them.

"Mr. Zaffar, Mr. Kumar, Mr. Anand, Mr. Sharma, and Ms. Allan, mind if I have a word with you guys?"
Flash and Liz exchange a worried look, but she stays there nonetheless. Flash, and Sally stay back to listen as well.

"Ms. Allan, if you want to raise that grade, you're gonna need a tutor. And I'm recommending either Mr. Sharma, or Mr. Kumar for the job."

Everyone, including Zain, Arush, Agrim and Ritvik is shocked by this statement.

"Ugh, nerd is so not the hot accessory this year." Sally says, disgusted.

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