CHAPTER-12: Mayor Fisk...?

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July 2012


Location: Fisk Tower

["A new Reuters poll says that the most popular hero in New York is no longer Captain America. It's the masked, mysterious, wall-crawling Spider-Men. Some think it's the success of last summer's reality movie coming to theatres, Netflix and other streaming platforms, while others say it's the recent actions the wall-crawlers took in while dealing with the mafia, where they shut down multiple operations and illegal businesses belonging to several crime lords. Whatever the case, Spider-Man is everyone's hero. For now..."]

"Why are you showing me this?" Fisk asks his manager. "Are you trying to upset me?"

"N-no, no Mr. Fisk..." The manager replies, his voice shaky. "Um, r-recently you purchased a holding firm called GG Enterprises. GG Enterprises owns C&C Licensing. C&C Licensing owns the global rights to one of the Spider-Men. The Spider-Men's Q-rating is through the roof right now, and you-you own the licensing rights to one of them."

"You see, this Spider-Man started out on the low rent wrestling circuit." The other manager shows Fisk a photo of the Ultimate Spider-Man.

"This wrestling company called Hercules Wrestling Inc

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"This wrestling company called Hercules Wrestling Inc. actually owned the name and license and put out t-shirts... And when the movie came out last summer and did huge business– the studio stepped on Hercules Wrestling Inc.'s neck and didn't let them put any Spider-Man stuff out at all. They ended up in bankruptcy and, well, now... you have it."

"You have about a 9-month window for merchandising on his wave of popularity." The first manager says, putting a clipboard in front of Fisk. "H-here's an estimated cash value of the investment and what the return is, based on some of the figures we have from Tony Stark's Avengers franchise and what the army has made off of the Fantastic 4 license."

"I own a Spider-Man?"

"You own the important part. You own the likeness." Fisk smirks at his words.

"Take any sublicense offer. Take any media offer. Go to town. Flood the market."

"Run it into the ground?"

"Exactly..." Fisk says, smirking like a maniac.

The next day...

Location: Fisk Tower's Parking Lot

Wilson Fisk meets up with a certain someone who has an offer for him.

"This is the gentlemen I was referring to Mr. Fisk." Fisk's personal assistant, Mr. Rose says.

"And what do you do?"

"I kill people." The stranger replies.

"Really? Then... kill them." He points at his two guards.

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