CHAPTER-2: The Vulture's Prey

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May, 2011


Arush heads over to Harry's apartment to kill time before his first ever shift at the lab. Due to some issue, the lab internship was shifted up three weeks.

"Thanks for letting me kill time at your place, Harry."

"Eh, no problem, man. But I thought you had that internship at the lab?"

"Nah, my shift at the lab doesn't start for another hour."

"Boys! Come out here." Norman, who overheard the conversation, calls the two out to the balcony. "I couldn't help overhearing..."

"Oh, sorry about that, Mr. Osborn, we-"

"Don't you dare apologize, son. I never do." Norman smirks. "So, what's this about a lab job?"

"At ESU, under Doctor Curt Connors."

"Connors, huh? Quite the opportunity. He used to work at OsCorp, you know? It's good that you're gonna learn under him." He gives Arush a refreshing smile. "Don't suppose you weren't considered for the honors, Harry?"

"Uh, no, sir..."

Sensing the discomfort, Arush tries to change the topic. "It's totally not a big deal, Mr. O, but, uh, thanks. We'll- we'll get out of your way now."

"OSBORN!" A voice calls out to them, and they look towards the sky, only to see a man in a black and green glider suit heading their way. He swoops in and grabs Norman, flying away with him.

"DAD!" Harry yells. "W-what do we do? I, uh-"

"Call the cops! Do it! Go!"

Harry rushes inside to call the cops, meanwhile Arush removes his shoes and takes off his clothes, shoving them in his backpack, before jumping off the balcony to go after this mysterious man in the winged-glider suit.

"Tell the truth, Osborn. Can your winged glider tech do this?" He darts towards a building only to give Norman a jump-scare.

Norman recognizes the voice and calls out to the man in the glider. "Toomes?!"

"Not Toomes, now. I'm what you called me; I'm the Vulture!"

"I called you a buzzard!"


"You can't even get the name right!"

Angered, he lets go of Norman who starts falling to his death, only to be caught by Toomes again.

"Stop this, you crazy bastard! What does any of this accomplish?!"

"A means to an end, Osborn! So, you will know what I'm all about." He spins around, making Norman nauseous. "You will announce to the world, that Adrian Toomes is the genius behind 'tech-flight'. You will pay me all that I'm owed! And you will publicly apologize for stealing my invention!"

"I never apologize, old man!"

"I might be an old man... But I am not a patient one!"

Toomes drops Norman once again, but this time, he's caught by Spider-Man.

"Wow, you guys play hot-potato hardcore!"

"W-what is this?!"

Spider-Man swings away, with the Vulture right on his tail.

"These skies are mine now!"

"He may be right, I just like to rant..." Spidey mumbles.

"What are you babbling about? Put me down!"

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