CHAPTER-6: The Horns Of The Rhino

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September, 2011


"It's not that kind of suit, Mr. O'Hearn... You will never be able to remove it." Octavius says.

"But it's tough, right doc?" O'Hearn says.

"Oh, yes, but, your skin will fuse to the titanium resin armour. A permanent change..."

"Is it me, or is your boy trying to talk my boy out of this?" Hammerhead tells Norman Osborn. "Look, O'Hearn, you'll be tough enough to take down Spider-Man."

"Then what's the holdup?" O'Hearn asks.

Otto presses the button and the transformation process starts. O'Hearn starts writhing in agony, so Otto moves his arm to stop the process. Norman grabs his arm, stopping him.

"Let it finish, Otto." Norman says, frowning. "You me owe a success, no more flukes like the Sandman. I need super mercenaries I can mass produce, no matter how many thugs we have to go through, or how many doctors."

The process finishes, and Rhino stands in the plexiglass cage in all its glory.

"What's with the jungle look?" Hammerhead asks.

"Ah, the animal kingdom- it offers many useful ideas." Octavius says. "That armour is a part of him now- a thick, impenetrable hide, extras up top there provide offensive capabilities, making him unstoppable."

"The good doctor has his quirks, but this approaches confidence. Your Mr. Fisk will be pleased." Norman says.

"Eh, ey, we don't ever use the F-word. Call him the Big Man."

"W-what's going on?" O'Hearn mumbles.

"Mind your own business, O'Hearn!" Hammerhead yells.

"Oh, right. My business... Better get to it, then!" The Rhino breaks free from the plexiglass-cage, and storms out of the hideout. "Cause the Rhino don't want to keep Spider-Man waiting!"


The new month is upon the students of Midtown High, and Gwen Stacy is offered an internship at the ESU Biogenetics lab alongside Agrim Sharma and Arush Kumar.

As dawn breaks, Arush Kumar, dressed in his Spider-Man costume, swings through the city, feeling a mix of exhilaration and responsibility. He's on his way to school, using his abilities to maintain a balance between his personal life and his newfound role as Spider-Man.

'Another day, another chance to make a difference.'

He swings close to the ground, before leaping into the air, only to be tackled by something huge, and crashing into a building.

Arush struggles to get back on his feet after crashing through the building, but before he can fully recover, the ground trembles as Rhino charges towards him with unrelenting force.

"No more games, bug!" Rhino roars.

Rhino's horn collides with Spider-Man, the impact sending them both soaring into the air.

Spider-Man and Rhino exchange blows in mid-air. Arush's agility allows him to dodge Rhino's charging attacks, but Rhino's sheer strength gives him a significant advantage.

'I need to find a way to stop him without hurting him.' Arush thinks.

He uses his web-shooters to create a web barrier, attempting to slow Rhino down. Rhino charges into the webbing, but his momentum allows him to break through.

"You can't stop me, insect!" Rhino snorts, mocking Arush.

"You can't stop me, insect!" Rhino snorts, mocking Arush

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