PROLOGUE: Quinten Beck's Soliloquy

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I, Quentin Beck, hail from Riverside, California, born to Elmore and Henrietta Beck.

Even in my earliest years, the allure of movies and the magic of special effects captivated my imagination. My cousin Maguire Beck became my steadfast companion during these formative years. Despite my father's shortcomings, it was Maguire's father who recognized my passion and gifted me my first movie camera, setting me on the path of creativity.

In an unfortunate turn, my father, perhaps blinded by his own failures, crushed that camera in an attempt to redirect my ambitions. Yet, undeterred, I persevered, delving into the realm of practical special effects. Post high school, I pursued knowledge at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, honing the technical expertise that would shape my future endeavours.

Little did I know, destiny had a different plan for me...

As an adult, my career soared as a VFX artist, mastering the art of visual deception. However, as the years passed, the monotony of this mundane existence gnawed at my creativity.

But my life was about to change... I got to work on the new Spider-Man film that was in production.

A chance to finally etch my name in the record books- a chance to be glorified. A chance at eternal greatness.


Sitting in the darkened theatre, I watched the culmination of my dreams unravel on the big screen. The Spider-Man movie I had poured my heart and soul into, the culmination of my skills in CGI and VFX, had fallen short of the audience's expectations. The whispers of disappointment swirled around me, each word cutting deeper than the last.

The atmosphere was heavy with dissatisfaction as the credits rolled, and I couldn't escape the truth- I had failed. This was my chance at redemption, my opportunity to prove myself as the master of illusions, and it crumbled before my eyes. The audience's discontent reverberated through the theatre, a haunting reminder of my shattered aspirations.

As the lights brightened, I remained seated in the aftermath of this cinematic letdown. The weight of failure pressed on my shoulders, and the realization struck with brutal force. The mask I wore, the illusion of a skilled creator, had cracked open, revealing a man consumed by frustration and resentment.

This wasn't just a setback; it was the last straw. The creative industry, once a realm of boundless possibilities, had betrayed me. The flicker of anger ignited within, fueled by the burning desire for retribution. The shattered dreams of a successful Spider-Man movie would serve as the catalyst for something new-something darker.

In that quiet theatre, surrounded by the debris of my illusions, I made a silent vow. The failed Spider-Man movie wouldn't be the end; it would be the beginning of a different spectacle. Quinten Beck would rise from the ashes, ready to unleash a new kind of illusion upon the world- one that would leave an indelible mark on those who dared to doubt my prowess.


The echoes of disappointment still lingered as I left the theatre, my mind swirling with a storm of frustration and determination. The failed Spider-Man movie became a catalyst for transformation, a turning point that would redefine my identity and reshape the narrative of Quentin Beck.

In the following days, I retreated into the shadows, channelling my anger into a newfound purpose. The illusionist, once confined to the realm of visual effects, would become something more, a master of deception and architect of chaos.

I delved into forbidden arts, ancient mysticism, and the darkest corners of the occult. The desire for retribution fueled my studies, and I unearthed secrets that transcended the boundaries of reality. I acquired an artifact with reality-altering powers, remnants of forgotten realms that would become the tools of my ascent.

As I embraced the mystic energies coursing through this artifact, a transformation began. The disillusioned artist faded, replaced by a being shrouded in illusions and wielding powers beyond the comprehension of mortal minds. The cape and distinctive helmet became my armour, concealing both my face and the burning intensity of my eyes.

The mastery of illusions took on a new meaning. No longer confined to the limitations of CGI and VFX, I could bend reality itself to my will. Smoke and mirrors became tangible forces at my command, and the world around me warped with every calculated step.

I emerged from the shadows, reborn and unrecognizable. Mysterio, the master illusionist, strode into the world with a vengeance.



New arc, new villain, new motive. [Beck's crazy, he doesn't need a motive, lmao.]

Anyway, always appreciate the comments and votes. See you next Sunday :)

- ZZS101

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