CHAPTER-1: The Man With A 1000 Faces

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May, 2011


Ritvik finds himself among the spectators anxiously awaiting the take-off of John Jameson, the astronaut.

"It sure must take a lot of courage to go up in one of those things." An old man mutters.

"I'll bet even Spider-Man would think twice before volunteering for this ride, huh?" a random stranger, standing next to Ritvik, asks him.

"I suppose so..." Ritvik replies.

["15 minutes till launch. All unauthorized personnel, please clear the field."]

An announcement jingles over the speaker, and people start to clear out steadily.


"This is it, John! Make your country proud of you, son- as proud as I am today!" Jameson tells his son.

"I'll do my best, father- I promise."

"Good luck to you, boy." A military officer wishes luck to John.

Minutes later, the capsule with John Jameson inside, is set in orbit by a perfect launch.

But then, disaster strikes. A small section of the forward guidance package breaks loose from the capsule, and falls in to space.

Without this essential guidance unit, the capsule goes into an erratic orbit, completely out of control.

"Something's wrong! I can't control her!"

Alarms blare and a flashing red light starts blinking inside the capsule.

"Oh crap, that light means I've lost the heart of the guidance unit! There's no way to direct the capsule now!"


Location: NASA Launch Site, Missile Control Centre

"What is it?! What went wrong?"

"Capsule is out of control, sir! Component 24-3B has broken loose! Condition Red!"

"Sir, without the missing component, the capsule is doomed to continue lower and lower into the atmosphere until it crashes back down on Earth."

"Gentlemen, we don't have much time... We must find a way to save John Jameson's life, even if that capsule is doomed!"


Location: NASA Launch Site

There's only one person who can save John Jameson's life...

I've gotta reach the control center somehow...

But first...

I slip into the bathroom and change into my costume, and head towards the control room. Before long, I reach the window to the room.

"We have a spare 24-3B component, but there's no way to reach the capsule in time, sir!"

"Good thing I'm here folks, isn't it?" I jump in, startling the folks inside.


"Let me try. I'll get it to the capsule somehow." I try convincing them. Although, I think it's going to be harder than-

"Alright, might as well. We have nothing to lose... There's no way we can do it!"

Wait- what? It was that easy?!

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