CHAPTER-8: The Steel Skull Conspiracy

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Location: The Spider-Hideout

The Spider-Boys gathered in their makeshift hideout, a dimly lit room that served as their base of operations. The air was thick with tension, the weight of recent events pressing down on them.

"We need to figure out what the Big Man is up to. Any ideas?" Agrim asks, leaning onto a table.

"Why don't we start with the people the Big Man wants to remove?" Zain asks.

"Do you mean Tombstone and the gang?" Arush asks.

"Well, if we want to hit Tombstone, Silvermane, and Hammerhead, we'll have to split up." Ritvik says, scanning a map.

"Divide and conquer. Let's get on with our strategy."

"We can't let our guard down. The Big Man might be expecting us." Arush says.

"He said that we're all part of a bigger thing we don't understand... Just pawns in his game..."

"I've marked their usual hangouts. Tombstone frequents the docks, Silvermane has a warehouse in Brooklyn, and Hammerhead operates out of Hell's Kitchen."

"Let's focus on one at a time. Tombstone first. Zain and Arush, you two take the docks." Agrim says, rubbing his temples.

"Docks are my kind of place." Zain says, smirking.

"Ritvik, you head to Brooklyn for Silvermane. I'll handle Hell's Kitchen and Hammerhead."

"Got it."

"If we can take them down, we might get some information on the Big Man's plans." Agrim said.

"The Big Man is counting on us to eliminate them, because then he'll have no competition." Ritvik mumbled.

"And they are counting on us to not let the Big Man reign supreme without any competition." Arush said, realizing the situation might be far more complicated than they initially imagined.

"What should we do then?" Agrim asked.

"We do the right thing..." Zain said, putting a finger on the map. "We go take everyone down- and burn down everything they've built to the ground."

The Spider-Boys geared up, adjusting their suits and testing their web-shooters. The room echoed with the subtle hum of tension, each step they took bringing them closer to the unknown. They left their hideout, swinging through the city towards their designated targets.


Location: Upper East Side Docks

Zain perched on a rooftop overlooking the docks

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Zain perched on a rooftop overlooking the docks.

"Alright, Tombstone, show yourself."

The docks were bathed in the dim glow of streetlights. Shipping containers were stacked like giant Lego blocks, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in the night breeze. Zain's eyes scanned the area, his senses on high alert.

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