Chapter 32

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I sat back and burst into tears, Frank saw and sat next to me, pulling me into him. "Kenna, you are safe now. We will not let anything else happen to you." "I thought I was going to die. He had me where he wanted me. I'm just so thankful for Danny, Eddie, Jackie and most of all Jamie." I said wiping my tears. "I was sick when Jamie had called me when you were getting your stitches, he said he was shaken up and was so scared he was going to lose you." Erin said sitting on the other side of me. "I'm just happy you are alive and only bruised and cut. You're a fighter, you always have been since you were little." Henry said sitting across from us. "I'm thankful for you guys. Thank you for letting me stay here and letting Jamie stay with me." I said looking at Frank and Henry. "I have to go get Nicky from school, I will be right back." Erin said getting up. "Bye Erin." I said. Frank let go of me and handed me a tissue, "You are more then welcome to stay any time Kenna." "Thank you Frank. Do you by chance have any Ibuprofen my head is starting to kill me." I asked. "Of course, I'll go grab that for you." Frank said getting up and heading to the kitchen. 

Frank came back into the living room handing me the ibuprofen and a glass of water. "Thank you" I said, taking the pills. I layed down on the couch and Frank covered me with a blanket. I was sound asleep when Jamie and Danny got back. Jamie walked over and rubbed my shoulder waking me up. I opened my eyes and saw him, "Hi babe." I said rubbing my eyes. I tried to sit up but Danny came and helped me. "I can do things even if I have a few staples and stitches." I said motioning for Jamie to sit down. "You just got your ass handed to you. Do you think we are gonna let you do things by yourself?" Danny asked. "No. I'm more than capable though. Jamie, can you put that pillow in your lap please?" "Yeah, do you need help laying back down?" "No I can do it" I said laying down with my face to his chest. Jamie sat there rubbing my arm while I slept. "Hey guys I'm back and I brought dinner. " Erin said taking the food into the kitchen. "Uncle Danny, where's Uncle Jamie and Kenna?" Nicky asked. "They are in the living room, Kenna is sleeping, but you can talk to Jamie." Danny said guiding her through the door. 

Nicky walked in slowly, scared to wake me,I woke up before she came over to us. I sat up and Jamie moved me closer to him. "Hi Uncle Jamie" she said hugging him. "Hey Nick, how was school?" "It was ok, Hi Kenna. Can I give her a hug?" She asked Jamie. "Yeah just be careful." "Hey Nicky! You can come sit next to me." I said opening my arms for her. She sat next to me as I hugged her. "How are you feeling?" "My head hurts a little bit, but other than that I'm ok." "I'm so glad you are ok. I'm glad Uncle Danny and Uncle Jamie were there to save you." "I'm glad I am ok too Nicky, if it wouldn't have been for your two uncles and their partners who knows what would've happened." I said looking at Jamie. "We are here." I heard Linda say from the door. The boys went running to their dad. "Dad? Where is Kenna?" Sean asked him. Danny pointed in my direction. Sean and Jack walked over to me and Jamie. "Hi Kenna." Sean said. "Hi Sean, Hi Jack" I said looking at them and smiling. "Mom said you got hurt." "She did, she will be ok though. Kenna is a tough woman, I think she handled herself well." Henry said. "Thank you Henry. Now how was school boys?" I asked trying to change the subject. The boys went on about their days and I sat listening. "You guys come sit for dinner." Linda said from the kitchen walking over to me. "How are doing sweetie?" She asked while Jamie helped me get up. "I'm doing ok, just trying to figure out what's gonna happen next." "I'm hoping that Danny and Jackie can get him a solid charge." "Me too. Jamie." I said grabbing his arm while I was losing my balance. "Careful." Jamie said grabbing me to regain my footing. 

We walked into the dining room, and got me sat down. The usual fight between Danny and Erin saying grace took place then we dug in. I sat there eating in silence feeling like I had a million eyes on me. "So" Danny said breaking the silence. "Something on your mind son?" Frank asked. "Yeah, Jackie just informed me that we caught the case." Danny said looking at me. "Wha-what?" I muttered out. "How did you manage that Danny?" Erin asked with an annoyance in her tone. "Jackie begged Gormley for the case. She's trying to keep the son of a bitch locked up." Danny shot back at Erin. "Or is it because you had her beg Gormley to have you two on the case because it's MaKenna. We all want him to be locked up but you can't just weasel your way into a case Danny. Hell I'm pretty sure Jamie wants to get to him first, but he can't." Erin snapped back. "You guys, I wouldn't want any other NYPD detective on the case besides Danny." I said. 

At this moment I did have every pair of eyes on me in the room nervous as to what Erin was going to say to my statement. "What?" I said looking at everyone. "That means something coming out of you miss sassafras" Danny said smiling at me. "Anything to keep you happy." I said smiling back. "You haven't said much Jameson." Henry said. "I just have a lot on my mind. More worried about what's going to happen with Kenna and the whole Simon thing." "We have NYPDs finest on the case, she will be fine. I'm sure Danny will get him." Erin said.  "There was a possibility that she wouldn't be sitting at this table, if Danny and I wouldn't have gotten to her she could've been dead." Jamie said storming into the kitchen. I got up slowly and made my way into the kitchen to check on Jamie. "Jamie are you ok?" "I will be. I don't know why Erin is so mad about Danny being on the case. I would rather have him and Jackie on the case instead of any other detective. If I could've gotten to him before Danny got him, it wasn't going to end well for him. She should be happy that you are still here." Jamie said slamming his hand down on the counter. I walked over and put my hand on his back, "Jamie it will be ok I promise. The best detective in all of New York is on this case. Danny and Jackie will get to the bottom of this." "I'm hoping so." He said hugging me tight and placing a soft kiss on my lips before we went back into the dining room.

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