Chapter 30

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TW: a mention of being hit and losing consciousness, and blood.

I debated on picking up the phone to call Danny, I knew I should but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I sat down on my couch flipping through hulu to find a movie, I picked up my phone and dialed Danny. "Reagan." "Hey Danny it's me." "Hey are you ok?" "Yeah, I found out Simon got bailed out on a magic bond while my mom had to wait and see the judge." "Son of a bitch, Look whatever you do you keep all your doors locked until Dad, Jamie or I show up at your house. Got it?" "Yeah I got it Danny what's going on?" I said concerned sitting up slightly. "I overheard Simon talking to one of his guys about paying you a visit, Have you seen anything that has alarmed you?" He asked. "I saw a black car following me, I took a few rights then a left to lose them which I did. Until I got home looked out my blinds and saw the same car drive by. Danny, I'm starting to get scared." I said as I heard a bang on my door.

I heard another bang while on the phone with Danny, it gets busted open and I scream. I hear Danny yelling my name on the phone, "MaKenna? MAKENNA?" Danny yelled. "Danny I'm here and Simon just broke in, please get here as fast as possible." I said as Simon ripped the phone from my hand. "Well hello Detective" Simon said as I scrambled to get a pan from the kitchen. "Simon put her back on the phone NOW!" "She's a little busy. At the moment, I can take a message?" Simon said and made his way towards me. "When I get you, I'm the last person you will see, you got that Simon?" I heard Danny yell. "Will do detective" Simon said and hung up. "Get back." I said with the pan in my grasp. "What are you gonna do about it Princess? Your cop boyfriend and his brother won't get here soon enough." Simon said getting closer. "I said get back." I yelled holding up the pan. "Come on princess, lets have a party." He said grabbing the pan out of my hand and slamming it on the floor. "Get the hell away from me" I said screaming and trying to run.

He grabbed me a slammed me into the wall. "See it will be fun." He said and laughed. I elbowed him in the stomach, grabbed my phone and ran upstairs to my room where I shut and locked the door, then ran for the bathroom. I got in and locked the door. I called Jamie hoping he would answer. "Hello?" "Jamie?" I said in a panic. "Kenna, what's wrong?" "Jamie, he got in" "Who? Who got in?" "Simon. Jamie get here fast I called Danny too. I need you guys." I said as I heard my bedroom door bust down. "Eddie and I are on our way. Stay on the line with me." He said as I heard the bathroom door knob jiggle. "Jamie he's gonna find me" I said still hanging on. "I'm right behind Danny, We are almost there." Jamie said as Simon got into my bathroom. I screamed. "Kenna are you ok?" "No he found me." "Which cop are you talking to now princess?" Simon said and grabbed my ankle to drag me into my bedroom. "LET GO OF ME YOU SON OF A BITCH" I yelled with Jamie still on the phone. "Kenna we are almost there." Jamie said as Simon ripped the phone out of my hand and hung up on him. I looked and saw Simon had the pan in his hand.

Danny's POV: I pulled up and saw a 12th precinct car pull up behind Jackie and I's. "Danny!" I heard Jamie yell. "Is she ok?" He asked concerned. "We just pulled up. I have a feeling we are gonna have to call for backup." I said trying to remain calm,hoping she's ok. "Jack, call for back up." I said. "We need backup to 128 cane street." Jackie said over the air. "Danny we have to go see if shes ok." Jamie said getting red in the face from anger. "I know kid. Let's go" I said with them behind me. Kennas front door was closed, but I knew she was in danger. "On the count of three we go in got it?" I asked. "Got it, Danny and Jamie you take upstairs and Eddie and I will take the main floor." Jackie said. "One, two, three." I said busting through her door. Jackie and Eddie yelled clear from the main floor. Jamie and I headed up the stairs. Unaware as to what we were about to see.

I tried to get up and run but he tripped me, my head hit the corner of my vanity as I fell. I felt my head and saw blood. I heard a commotion downstairs and heard familiar voices yelling clear, I tried to get up but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back. He was trying to get on top of me to do I don't know what. I heard foot steps coming up the stairs hoping it was Jamie and Danny. Simon went and shut the door. "Simon let me go." I said pleading. "Oh princess do you know how long I have waited to get you alone?" "I don't care. Let me go." "KENNA" I heard on the other side of the door. The voice sounded like Danny. "DANNY" I yelled back before Simon covered my mouth. I elbowed him in the stomach once again and tried to make my escape he dropped to the floor crawling to chase after me. I was feeling very dizzy as the blood was pouring from my forehead. "JAMIE,DANNY" I yelled hoping they would come into my room.

I tried to fight as hard as I could, kicking, punching, screaming for Danny and Jamie. Nothing had gotten them in here yet. "Why are you fighting me?" Simon asked getting frustrated at this point. "Get away from me." I said crying. "NO." "WHY" I screamed. He never said anything. I saw the pool of blood on the floor from my wound on my forehead. I tried to get up but fell due to being weak. In the distance I heard footsteps on my stairs that were getting closer to my room. Jamie and Danny were outside talking. Simon had locked the door when he came in here. How he picked the lock I am not sure. "JAMIE. DANNY" I yelled hoping for something. The footsteps got closer and I heard their voices. "We are right here Kenna." Danny yelled through the door.  I heard Danny messing with the door knob I try and get up to open it then I felt the crack of the crack of the pan on the back of my head. Who knew this man was trying to kill me. One hit and my world went out.

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